Outside Antenna in HOA Sub-Division

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May 7, 2003
Olathe, KS
I live in a sub-division with a Home Owner's Association. They say they can regulate antennas on your property. However, I think this only refers to non TV antennas since the FCC has basically tied the hands of HOA's restricting placement of TV antennas. HOWEVER, I want to put up an outside antenna under my roof line and run the coax along the path of my dish coax. I know there won't be a problem with the coax or antenna, but was wondering if anyone else lives in a HOA community and has put up an outside antenna. I would like details like antenna name and type, where purchased, height, etc. I live in Kansas and the terrain here is basically flat prairie lands. An outside antenna should do wonders with range. With my 996T using it's own antenna, I can reach about 20 miles or so. I want to double that if possible.


Mar 9, 2006
Bloomington, IL
You might check the FCC website and see what kind of restrictions there are on HOAs in regards to antennas to be on the safe side.

Off-topic: HOAs are a waste of energy and money. They're good in theory, but, if I buy a house that is $150,000.00...I better be able to do just about anything legal I want to it without being nitpicked by someone who lives three blocks away. (Just my $.02)


All your WACN are belong to us
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Monitoring the database
If you hold an amateur radio license, that could possibly provide another avenue for you to tell the HOA nazi's to pound sand. If you are only a scanner listener, then I'd make the antenna as small as you can (while still being worth it) and mount it in the least visible location that you can (again, while still being worth it).

Good luck. Like most people, I also believe HOA's are worthless and a PITA. I can understand being anal about 3 old chevy's on blocks in the front yard, but some of the regulations are plain stupid.


Dec 19, 2002
Corbett, OR USA
oldsarge said:
I live in a sub-division with a Home Owner's Association. They say they can regulate antennas on your property. However, I think this only refers to non TV antennas since the FCC has basically tied the hands of HOA's restricting placement of TV antennas. HOWEVER, I want to put up an outside antenna under my roof line and run the coax along the path of my dish coax. I know there won't be a problem with the coax or antenna, but was wondering if anyone else lives in a HOA community and has put up an outside antenna. I would like details like antenna name and type, where purchased, height, etc. I live in Kansas and the terrain here is basically flat prairie lands. An outside antenna should do wonders with range. With my 996T using it's own antenna, I can reach about 20 miles or so. I want to double that if possible.

Hi oldsarge,

take a peek at the Ventenna:

review at eham.net for the VHF/UHF version:

Stealthy. Maybe it's the ticket for you.

Good luck!


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
stateboy said:
If you hold an amateur radio license, that could possibly provide another avenue for you to tell the HOA nazi's to pound sand.

This is a widely held misconception. Unless your state has passed laws to the contrary, having a ham license confers no extra status or legal protection from antenna laws. Satellite dishes, yes - other antennas, nope.

Even in those that have passed such laws, sometimes they aren't retroactive - in other words, existing HOAs aren't bound to obey them - only future communities. It depends entirely on how the law is written. I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV - but living in a condo myself, I've been paying attention to this issue, with much chagrin, I might add.

73s Mike


Apr 24, 2006
Calhoun Georgia
A small VHF/UHF ground plane would never be noticed. Paint it to match the background and mount it using a vent pipe mount. Or if you have a tree that you can climb get up there and put about 5 feet of mast out the top. As long as you use a antenna that is not huge you should have no problems. I have delt with these type of houses, they just don,t want huge antenna towers or ugly stuff that really sticks out.
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