The overton County SD recently encrypted full time (100%) all traffic. It's not P25 or DVP. I've never heard it before. Does anyone have any information ras to the technology? Listen to it on 155.550 Mhz. Help!
Not sure about encryption, but they recently (12/9/2010) received a change to their license (WPPH448) that indicates that they're now licensed for standard narrow-band FM voice (11K2F3E) as well as MOTOTrbo (7K60FXD & 7K60FXE) data and voice operation. You're probably hearing them now using MOTOTrbo, which currently no scanner can directly decode.
Are you sure its MotoTRBO? FCC licenses don't specify what brand of digital it is, only the bandwidth, modulation and mode as follows:
7K60: Maximum 7.6kHz bandwidth
FXD: F = Frequency modulation, X = Cases not otherwise covered, D = Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand
FXE: F = Frequency modulation; X = Cases not otherwise covered; E = Telephony (including sound broadcasting)
The FCC emission designators are described at:
FCC: Wireless Services: Industrial/Business: Licensing: Emission Designators
It could be Nexedge or P25, although if it's P25 you would probably know it.
Not sure about encryption, but they recently (12/9/2010) received a change to their license (WPPH448) that indicates that they're now licensed for standard narrow-band FM voice (11K2F3E) as well as MOTOTrbo (7K60FXD & 7K60FXE) data and voice operation. You're probably hearing them now using MOTOTrbo, which currently no scanner can directly decode.
For info on MOTOTrbo see this from the RR WIKI MOTOTRBO - The RadioReference Wiki
Does anyone know if the Digital Speech Decoder software linked on RadioReference will work with a Radio Shack PRO-197? We just bought one because we knew the Overton County SD were switching over to all-digital, but like the original poster stated, we only get noise.
Still pretty new to this digital scanner stuff, but learning.