Actually Dan it's the other way 'round. The XT models have 3 additional options that aren't available on the T models...the decode threshold is about the only thing you can change on the T regards..Mike
I disagree Mike. The OP is asking about options for his 996T. The T models have a a P25 Manual adjustment mode that is not available on the XTs. Which scanner has more features? MEH? The manual setting is superior to the auto setting and the three additional options. It is accessed by going to Site Options:
Adjust P25 Level This setting determines some system-specific parameters for digital channels. In most cases, setting this to Auto provides the best performance. However, you can also manually set the digital decode threshold. This setting affects all digital channels in the current system.
Scroll to 'Adjust p25 Level' and press E/.
Scroll to one of three settings and press E/ to save and exit.
Auto- the scanner automatically adjusts the digital decode threshold to match the transmission you are hearing when it receives a strong signal and has a high decode rate.
Manual- lets you manually adjust the digital decode threshold.
Default- sets the digital decode threshold to the default value. This is handy if you have manually adjusted the value to a setting that prevents proper decoding.
The decoding is adjusted using the procedure in the wiki that I linked to earlier.