P25 scanner recomendations

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Sep 9, 2008
Lately I've been toying with the idea of getting an additional portable scanner for myself. Right now I have a single Uniden bearcat bc246t which supports up to analog trunked systems(currently roseville, SRRCS, etc). With it being known that Placer county will be switching over to a P25 based system as well as rumors of SRRCS possibly headed in the same direction after its re-banding process I'm thinking it only makes sense to buy a Digital Scanner which supports P25.

So far it looks like the options are either the BCD396XT or the GRE PSR 500. The first option seems to be running about an extra $100.

I'm wondering what peoples opinions are for both brands and which would be perform better in our area now and into the future?

Since I live in Roseville(Galleria Roseville parkway/Reserve area) and spend most of my time here about 90% of my scanner usage is for the Roseville system. Then Rocklin/lincoln once in awhile and even less often Sac County(CHPD, Sheriff, Metro Fire, etc). Its pretty much impossible for me to get Sac City from here with my 246t. This is the same for both antennas I have. The RS 800mhz antenna i use most of the time or the Larson triband on the truck. I also listen in to Cal Fire once in awhile when there is a nearby fire incident.

Anyways I really like how the Uniden System is laid out with Dynamic memory. After having my 246t for a few years I've gotten accustomed to it and how to use it with ease. The only thing I dislike about it is the built in speakers volume. Even if you have it cranked all the way its really hard to hear unless you are in an extremely quite environment. I'm always blow away by the difference in volume and clarity by an actual moto based radio vs uniden scanners. I'm not sure if GRE based scanners are any better in this regard?

I've heard that GRE based scanners tend to be more sensitive then the Unidens. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in our region? It seems like the area suffers from a lot of interference issues with any radio traffic. So my guess is the Uniden Scanners would outperform the GREs.

One negative to the Uniden option right now is of course the extra cost for similar functionality. It makes me tempted to go with the GRE PSR 500 but I'm not sure I'll like or be able to easily adjust to their object oriented approach. Also I think i like the look of the BCD396XT better for some reason. Almost seems like the build quality is better on the Uniden by looks alone.

Anyways I'm not really in any rush(hoping for prices to fall) and I though I would just throw this out there to see what everyone's thoughts were. I might not do anything for a couple months to a year out lol.


Nov 7, 2007
I say get a apx7000.800/700/vhf it's a nice radio if u can get it to work lol. No the psr500 will do u well. I love it. Just wish there was more p25. I have a lot of moto radios I ues for my p25. Well vhf. No 800. Till they go p25 trunking. & I can get a ma/com p7100 to put. On the p25 system.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jul 13, 2004
Would you stop posting your imprudent crap, ssd? He is asking for a scanner recommendation, not a $3,000 transceiver recommendation.


Oct 5, 2006
Orange County, California, USA
Also I think i like the look of the BCD396XT better for some reason. Almost seems like the build quality is better on the Uniden by looks alone.

I gotta admit I feel the same way about that... I have a BR330T, which is an earlier, analog version of the 396 series. I really like the nice small size and sturdy construction. I chose GRE because I'm on the fringe of LAPD's P25 system, and the GRE supposedly has slightly better P25 decode. But I wish my PSR-500 were smaller and less fragile. Some people aren't crazy about it, but I also like the Uniden volume knob that doesn't get accidentally readjusted.


Sep 9, 2008
I gotta admit I feel the same way about that... I have a BR330T, which is an earlier, analog version of the 396 series. I really like the nice small size and sturdy construction. I chose GRE because I'm on the fringe of LAPD's P25 system, and the GRE supposedly has slightly better P25 decode. But I wish my PSR-500 were smaller and less fragile. Some people aren't crazy about it, but I also like the Uniden volume knob that doesn't get accidentally readjusted.

That's good info to know. I haven't actually seen a GRE in person so i was just going on what it looked like. Other then a few radioshack versions.

To be honest I'm surprised the build quality isn't better on the GREs as I've always heard t they tend to be handed out to law enforcement for use in the field more often then the Uniden's. As we all know the public safety sector requires the best equipment possible so it will last since undoubtedly it will take a beating.

To put it simply it reminds me of things like Nextel phones vs more advanced 3/4g smartphones for example. They last forever while the later is usually pretty fragile and likely to break in harsher environments.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 29, 2005
Orangevale, ca
P25 Scanner

I have the 396XT it works fine for me.. (I was never a fan brick sized scanner or the GRE folder system, plus the GRE has too many frequency gaps..70mhz specifically) I prefere the small form factor having BR330T also.. I use the GPS function and the various colored display depending on what freq, talk group is being received. I espically like the mutiple ways to turn on and off my systems.. like SRRCS, Metro fire or City, or west sac, or SSD patrol, SSD special ops, Folsom, Citrus\s Heights, EG, SPD patrol, SPD ops etc .. and drill down to a specific group or assortment of groups

The P25 works good for the SRRCS Los Rios, Fed protection, Stockton fire, various us govt systems and CHP 700 extender.... when it comes on an ENC P25 signal it displays ENC and skips the ENC channel and keeps scanning...useful when somebody is non ENC on a channel that is normally enc.

On the 396XT a BIG drawback is the lack of 5 decimal places on the frequency display and 3.125khz steps.the GRE unit does not have this problem and therefore it excels in that regard..(UPman I think you need to issue a Firmware update to get the 5th decimal place on the screen, and add 3.125khz accuracy)... The 4 digid display problem is as follows with spacing of 3.125khz channels the display does not indicate the exact frequency..
Example 769.440625 is displayed as 769.4400 but the scanner still picks up the extender...Its just an annoying reminder of the shortcoming of the display.

if you like the GRE unit id say go for it... but I find the Uniden easier to program and use...

Uniden uses 3-AA batteries, without the need for a battery cradle on the GRE unit ..

I hope this helps... Good Luck let us know what you do..
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Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
When it comes to P25, GRE will always be one step ahead of Uniden. If one isn't charmed by all the bells and whistles the Unidens have (that most will never use) the GRE's will provide a more solid operational (as far as trunking and decoding are concerned) scanner.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
i say go uniden or go home :)

the 396xt and freescan... it doesnt get much better

wayne is quite right about the p25 being better on the gre..
BUT (theres always a big but)
i havent had any probs with the 396xt and p25 decoding ... i think a lot of p25 decoding problems with the uniden (not all of them.. just some) is cause of poor signal
ex: the placer digital system being tested... if i use the stock uniden antenna i get good decoding about 70-80% of the time - but i put an antenna that has better coverage and more freq specific.. the signal increases by about 30% and my decoding rate goes up to about 90%
you need a lot of signal for good, fast , accurate p25 decoding


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
i think a lot of p25 decoding problems with the uniden (not all of them.. just some) is cause of poor signal
I agree, and the GRE will have a better chance at pulling out intelligible voice when the signal is poor compared to most any Uniden.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 29, 2005
Orangevale, ca
P25 Scanner

Based simply on cost to acquire and function... I think the GRE PSR-500 or 600 is a better value (based on the Scanner World pricing) than the 996XT & 396XT. Keep in mind I have had picked Uniden scanners over GRE for many many years and have had scanners since the Regency Whamo and Sears Optiscan unit were first produced in the early 70's....... The next scanner I buy will probably be the PSR-600 unless the 996XT gets an upgrade along with the 396XT to make it equal to the PSR units as noted in my previous post.


Sep 9, 2008
I espically like the mutiple ways to turn on and off my systems.. like SRRCS, Metro fire or City, or west sac, or SSD patrol, SSD special ops, Folsom, Citrus\s Heights, EG, SPD patrol, SPD ops etc .. and drill down to a specific group or assortment of groups .

Yeah I love being able to do this as well. I usually have all the Sac City systems off while the County ones are enabled. I also have them both in their own banking. Its really easy to turn certain groupings off/on as well in a system or even a specific channel.

Uniden uses 3-AA batteries, without the need for a battery cradle on the GRE unit ..

That i didn't know as my current BC246T only uses 2. I use Sanyo Eneloop rechargeable in mine and they seem to perform very well. They seem to charge pretty fast and last forever. Way better then the ones that came with the scanner from uniden which could get about 6 hours max and started loosing charging capacity until they wouldn't last any longer then 1 hour. I have both a wall power plug and vehicle power plug for the scanner now as though so I'm not as reliant on the batteries. I have a feeling if the newer Unidens use 3 batteries the voltage input will be different though so I'll have to get another vehicle adapter.

Anyways it sounds like I might end up with the Uniden. I'd like to wait for it to drop in price though. One thing however is which one of the new digital scanners will perform better on not the P25 but older analog systems(there will still be plenty around it looks like).


Sep 9, 2008
hrm didn't Uniden move away from BNC antenna connectors with their newer radios such as 396XT?

* Update yup they moved to an SMA Type for the antenna jack *

Which kind of sucks for me as my truck antenna has a high quality BNC compression fitting on the end of it. Also I like my RS 800mhz Portable Antenna(perfect for the Roseville System) which uses BNC as well. Would probably have to get some converter which most likely would cause signal loss.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
Would probably have to get some converter which most likely would cause signal loss.

Uniden has the BNC converter in the box, along with everything else needed to run the scanner.

I was over at Fry's in Roseville a few weeks ago and picked up two 396XT's for a project I am working on and they had several more 396XT's and 996XT's in stock, the price was not bad either for being able to get the scanner right away.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
yeah wayne but you wont be able to process any p25 signals .
.... cause you will STILL be programming it while i m listening to my scanner :p


Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
just 1 freq wayne ?


i can listen to them all while u listen to 1 :p

it comes down to personal choice..

things i like about uniden and i dont know if gre has -

unit id
dynamic memory
close call (with tone search)
price (396xt/996xt $420-470)
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
things i like about uniden and i dont know if gre has -
Comparing to PSR-500 or equiv ....

unit id - not sure
dynamic memory - yes
freescan - download protocol not available so software not free
close call (with tone search) - Signal Stalker
small - smaller than a breadbox?
price (396xt/996xt $420-470) - $399


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Northern California
You can buy a NEW PRO-106 (GRE PSR-500) right now on ebay for $339 with free shipping. There is nothing that comes close to that.

I bought a like new used one off this site for $250. It is perfect.
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