If you have not updated to the last couple of fw releases for the P25RX-II, please do. There have been significant changes to the firmware related to RF gain controls. Multiple people that were having issues found that the firmware updates got things working. After the update, it might be a good idea to restore the factory calibrations. This is different from a 'factory' command. On the P25RX-II, you can restore factory calibrations with the 'cal_rst' command. You can always view the differences between factory calibrations and the current configuration with the 'show_cals' command. After the update, you should see the the LNA and Mixer gains are set to AUTO and the VGA gain is set to the factory value. So far, the reports I've received indicate that the AUTO settings are working well. If you are in an area with very strong signal, first try backing off on the VGA gain. Try as as low as 24 dB (or even lower if you are still receiving a strong signal). If you are seeing an EVM of 3-4%, that is really good. 5-10% is acceptable. You can use the EVM measurement to help guide your changes to the gain settings. Lower EVM is better. If the EVM starts rising, then you have probably backed off on the gain too much. If the AUTO settings are not working well for you, then try fixed gain settings. To start with, try LNA =24 dB, Mixer=12dB, and VGA=30dB. If you have a strong desired signal and lots of strong nearby signals, then you can back off on the LNA gain settings to improve the IIP3. I hope this post will get the conversation started between P25RX-II owners on what configurations are working for them in different situations.