I was wondering if anybody knows the frequency or frequencies for paging in Ventura County.
F FireInterLink Member Joined Mar 23, 2011 Messages 5 Location Spokane WA Mar 28, 2011 #1 I was wondering if anybody knows the frequency or frequencies for paging in Ventura County.
L LZJSR Member Premium Subscriber Joined Mar 5, 2003 Messages 611 Location California Mar 29, 2011 #2 What kind of paging? What exactly are you looking for? Fire department two tone decoding? ALphanumeric business pagers? Etc...
What kind of paging? What exactly are you looking for? Fire department two tone decoding? ALphanumeric business pagers? Etc...
F FireInterLink Member Joined Mar 23, 2011 Messages 5 Location Spokane WA Mar 29, 2011 #3 What ever you have (if any thing) would be great!