Check out It is a must have for scanner listeners in South Florida. Also, seflorida on yahoogroups has alot of info/people in the know.
The website for PSBO is On the top click "Site Map" the "Field Operations" and Patrol is divided by Norh, Central and South. If you click in "south" for example, and District 7 which is the unincorporated Boca area, you'll se the map that KS4VT posted. The actual patrol zones like F31, F32 is how they identify. For example, a trafic stop would be "Fox 31 ten-fifty..." Dispatch answers "Fox 31..." then the deputy says the plate/location, etc.
If dispatch calls a unit for a call they'll say the unit then signal..."Fox 32, Signal 22"
100 units are Captains and above. 100 is the Sheriff. 200's are Watch Commanders (Lieutenants), 300's Sergeants, the others (500, 600, etc) are Detectives, OCB, TAC, etc. Contract units will say their contract.."Boca West 2"..."Boca Falls" etc. 4 digit units are off-duty.