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Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2006
Can someone explane to me how the process of patching works. I heard on the scanner during a pursuit that the dispacther was going to patch the car to state band. Im kind of new to this and was wondering if someone would be kind enought to tell me a little about this process. Thanks in advance.


Can someone explane to me how the process of patching works. I heard on the scanner during a pursuit that the dispacther was going to patch the car to state band. Im kind of new to this and was wondering if someone would be kind enought to tell me a little about this process. Thanks in advance.

There are lots of ways.

The simplest is just an audio connection between the two channels, set so when one receives it transmits on the other.

On a trunked system, two talkgroups can be merged which seems like a patch to the users, but in reality, everyone is on the same channel.

There are also sophisticated cross patching systems that interconnect multiple types of radio systems.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi Hole and Billy,

There is no simple answer because like the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat. N_Jay touched on it but basically there are so many ways to interconnect including believe it or not the Internet the issue is simply too complicated to give any sort of an answer.

Just something worth mentioning, hams have something called IRLP, the Internet Repeater Linking Project. I can send a series of DTMF tones to a local repeater and link it to another so equipped just about anywhere in the world. Just think, it all started in the 30s more or less with the telephone patch. Hams quickly caught on to the fact a transmitter and receiver could be connected to a telephone line and the police picked up on it. In the old movies you'd sometimes see the chief sitting at his desk talking on the phone to officers on patrol through the switchboard in the radio room. Now it's all done mysteriously with the push of a button on the dispatcher's console.


Dec 19, 2002
Quakertown PA
The dispatch center I work for (and I'm sure many large citys and countys use the same) is Motorola Centracom Gold Elite. Patches are very easy as we use a trunked radio system. Just click the patch button, select the talkgroups you want patched, and click the patch button again. This actually creates a 3rd talkgoup using the status bits (cant remember what tg+ it is) so it is always best to leave status bit turned on if you have it. We can also patch the same way between conventional channels and the trunked radio talkgroups allowing us to talk to outside agencies and units such as TacAir1.
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