Hi guys! I'm a brand-new member of AZGMRS and new GMRS licensee. I just received my email and paid my dues this afternoon. Mbnv, you're correct, the site allowed me to sign up once I was officially approved.
I looked over the GMRS "scene" in metro Phoenix and AZGMRS is the Big Kahuna by far. I've also listened in ever since deciding to join and they seem like a great bunch to boot.
Even though I've been a Ham over 20 years (my screen name here is my call) I recently decided to add GMRS to my portfolio because we are moving my sister-in-law in with us and neither she nor my wife are interested in Hamming. I'm finding that just depending on the phone is not enough. We used FRS for a time when Sis moved in across the street, but the cheap radios didn't last. I bought a Part 95 radio and already have several Part 90 radios that are much more rugged, so we at least have the immediate needs taken care of. I plan on mobiles for our vehicles, but not until Fall, when it's more bearable to work outside. (I've already verified that "sister-in-law" counts for immediate family with the FCC and the Club.)
Anyway, sorry to go "off-topic" but we'll see you on the air!
Gerry N0DOZ and WRMY339