Hi Short and all,
I ran your clip through some serious DSP and came up with this clean but unfortunately a bit masked version. Well nothing is perfect, the noise was well masked but it went a bit overboard.
I used to listen from an extremely quiet location with what amounts to the ultimate receiving station, a grounded vertical folded unipole antenna and R-390 receiver when pirate radio ruled. They were hysterical and their broadcasts were long, signals were good. Since the FCC crackdown they transmit sporadically usually using portable equipment, poor antennas and of course move around a lot. Production quality has suffered greatly, they no longer sound like "real" broadcasters.
Just the same you can be entertained by a good one with the cajones to play catch me if you can, there's a few left among the scared rabbits. New Years Eve is the big blowout so tune in again, same bat time, same bat channel.