The reader comments say a lot and frankly they're spot on. Your tax dollars at work across several departments comes as no surprise.
"The plane is registered to the Sheriff’s Association of Texas. A spokesman for the association said the plane is owned by the Department of Justice and was loaned to the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office through as “a cooperative lower-cost aviation asset for law enforcement.” The plane has the Bergen County seal on its tail."
Lower cost to Bergen County only, overall costs being the same only shared by federal government, two states and one County Board of Chosen Freeloaders. SPEND SPEND SPEND like there's no tomorrow, there's a whole lot of cash cows to be milked and Cristie Hogg feeding at the trough couldn't care less while he slashes state social services to the bone and puts thousands of essential case workers out of a job.
I leave you with this to chew on, Teterboro is a federal facility so the DoJ which owns the plane was already there drooling in anticipation of its arrival.
"Molinelli said his department has been working with the Justice Department for two years."
That's a whole helluva lot of drool over a tasty bit of pork.