The MPSCS techs were working on their consoles last night, making some audio adjustments. So far, everything has been working just fine for Plymouth. I have not heard when the fire department will be moving to the new system, but they do have talkgroups on the MPSCS, but they just have not been ID'd at this time.
The next three police departments that will be making the switchover to the MPSCS in western Wayne County are:
- Canton
- Northville City
- Northville Twp.
The aforementioned agencies are supposed to be on the system by the spring of 2007, or sooner. This is all based on the receipt on monetary funding. Conversely, the fire departments, especially Canton, will be joining the MPSCS at a later date. Apparently, they want an additional radio tower in their area to help boost handheld coverage.