I also wonder if CB is more popular in my Massachusetts area because we have Lous CB Radio Repair and sales about 12 miles from my house.... not many CB repair shops left in the country.. I know when I go there it's amazing how popular he is... I see guys coming from Canada and all around the East coast to get work done by him... real nice guy... so I wonder how many people in the Bridgewater area have bought a radio or had one tuned up by Lou??? so my area may have more CB people aroundI felt that way for a while too.
Robert are you still using that PRO501TK???? that's a handheld CB correct???? I have a few of them and they don't hear worth a damn.... and even with a good antenna only get out a couple miles.... I'm trying to remember your antenna??? was it a LiL Will???? that CB and a 3 foot antenna really will only work for a couple miles..... and even then sound weak.....there is so much noise on 19 that most of the Truckers turn the squelch up all most all the way so they are not bothered with all the noise..... they can still hear a good CB with a good 5 foot antenna..... within a couple miles... but that PRO501TK handheld is not really a good CB to hear people on.... most Handhelds are more Toys than real radios..... they do a great job for a mile .... and if you're in a caravan with two vehicles it will let you talk a mile or so... but it's really not a good working CB.Hi everyone
I was looking to get a poll of cb radio use by state.
Here in Massachusetts use is really limited to truckers.
I'm also in SE MA, I don't have a CB but scan the band occasionally to see what is out there. Even listening while driving the highway all I ever seem to hear are those clowns on superbowl 6 yammering away at 100mph from "the bayou"Hi everyone
I was looking to get a poll of cb radio use by state.
Here in Massachusetts use is really limited to truckers.
Freetown MA up north to Lakeville and out to Plymouth Area is 27AMI felt that way for a while too........ took me a long time to "TUNE" my ear to hear.... and a fellow member here told me to turn on Channel 27 in South Coast Massachusetts... there is always 5 or 6 guys talking on base stations in my town.... many times it's so busy, people go on channel 22 and that gets busy too so they also go to 17
I had a HandHeld CB with scan feature and would put it on scan on my coffee table with a 51" telescoping antenna... but it was inside the house and could not pick up anything...but I always had it on scan,,,, just let it go... never heard anything for 6 months... then a nice RadioReference guy from New Bedford Massachusetts told me about 27 ... so I turned that on here and there... I only spend a few minutes once in a while on the CB....... didn't hear anyone for a month??? finally I said anyone out there????.... and 4 people came back... and once we started talking more and more people jumped on.... Duxbury is 20 to 25 miles from me but a few great base stations out there always willing to say hello. same with Halifax.
I'm helping my friend range test his jeep a few months ago ... we put on channel 14 me on my base station and him in the Jeep.... I sent him out 15 miles to see how far we could get and we kept chatting back and forth.... in the 20 minutes we were range testing 5 people asked for a break and wanted to know where we were, and what we were using for equipment.... if we wen't talking the cb would have been dead.
I can go on my CB after 6PM to 10PM and there are three channels of people talking.... New Bedford is a pretty big city..... always several conversations... but they talk to Acushnet, Freetown, Fairhaven, Dartmouth, ( Dartmouth is another huge area of people) Mattapoisett, Fall River ( I can't talk to Fall River too far away)........ so that is to my south and I hear and talk to most of them them.... .... not too easily but most times....
I can also hear and easily talk to Plymouth Carver, Kingston, Wareham, Pembroke, Duxbury, Halifax, Middleboro, Plympton, Lakeville, Taunton, Raynham, Easton ( Easton is pushing it) but I know I have talked to Base Stations in each of these towns and many times mobiles.....
also there is quite a group of guys that talk on 38 LSB in the 30 mile circle of Boston and they never seem to shut up! they start talking after 7Pm to about 9Pm
now it's not like the 70's or the 80's... it's probably the same 25-30 guys every night.
during the day on channel 19 my base is pretty good and my mobile does a fantastic job too.... if I ask for a radio check I always get someone... not many people talking but they are always on there.... but I always turn my RF gain to max and my squelch all the way down before I ask if anyone is out there.......
are you on a Base or a mobile???? many mobiles antenna's don't receive very good.
Its All about getting RF Energy out of that antenna - So size does matter - A Whip Antenna or Something Long with a coil and Going to Out Perform 102 Inches of Wire Coiled up and 2 feet long.Hi, nice guy I am actually using the Uniden pro 538HH with a mag mount antenna on the top of my vehicle on all my radio checks. I am told that I have a very strong signal so the radio works pretty well. I did have a mobile Cobra mini in here for a while, but this radio seems to help perform that with the mag mount, any suggestions? Should I try a bigger? I guess what are you guys think?
Ive ran the the CB band Search on a few of my Unidens and I find it to be pretty Deaf. Running a Dedidcated Radio and a whip cut to theI'm also in SE MA, I don't have a CB but scan the band occasionally to see what is out there. Even listening while driving the highway all I ever seem to hear are those clowns on superbowl 6 yammering away at 100mph from "the bayou"
Hi, nice guy I am actually using the Uniden pro 538HH with a mag mount antenna on the top of my vehicle on all my radio checks. I am told that I have a very strong signal so the radio works pretty well. I did have a mobile Cobra mini in here for a while, but this radio seems to help perform that with the mag mount, any suggestions? Should I try a bigger? I guess what are you guys think?
I mentioned how a great Radio Reference guy helped me learn about channel 27 just yesterday... but I couldn't remember who it was... I think it was you!Freetown MA up north to Lakeville and out to Plymouth Area is 27AM
In New Bedford Shooting West out to Westport and East to Wareham it Ch24 AM and FM depending on the Mood.
The Litino Guys Guys in New Bedford Use Ch 9 AM and There is lots of Truck Dispatch and Yard Work in the South Terminal on Ch32.
There is a group Of Litino Freebanders below CH1 AM and A group Up on Ch44 27.445 SSB LSB and Locals doing DX on 27.455 SSB USB !
The Cape Cod Guys are always On 38 LSB.
Where ever you live There will be little Fishing Holes of Activity and More if your in A populated area. You just need to Hunt For them and Once you find it put an X on the bottom of the boat because you found the Fish !
Pete N1EXA
CB seems pretty dead in my area of NC. I mean, there are a few of the same guys on at night, the superbowl gets a lot of noise, but mostly quiet.
I've went SSB and hit skip to Arizona and even talked to a few guys in the UK. I'm running a 3ft firestik and want to upgrade, but what kind of difference would there be between the Sirio, Stryker, Tram, and a 102" whip?
I have my CB mounted in a truck that I rarely drive, so it doesn't matter which one I get, I just want the best performer.
Yes that was me !I mentioned how a great Radio Reference guy helped me learn about channel 27 just yesterday... but I couldn't remember who it was... I think it was you!
if I never thanked you... THANK YOU!
I turned channel 27 on after you told me about it several times.... heard nothing and shut off the radio and went onto whatever I was doing... I only turn my radio on when I'm out in my work shop doing a project and I have not had anytime for any projects in a year.......
so after a week of turning it on and listening to nothing.... I said HELLO ANYONE OUT THERE???? and several guys came back!
there is always about 4 or 5 guys on that channel... mostly they listen unless a good topic gets going.... sometimes I've heard more than 10 people on that channel... I used my scan function many times and never picked up anyone.... so again thanks for the great info.
Ive ran the the CB band Search on a few of my Unidens and I find it to be pretty Deaf. Running a Dedidcated Radio and a whip cut to the
band gived better results. Any LED Headlights or Fog Lights is a Killer in the car for Listening.
Pete N1EXA
well if you don't mind drilling a hole in the roof... the Larsen NMO antenna's are probably the bestCB seems pretty dead in my area of NC. I mean, there are a few of the same guys on at night, the superbowl gets a lot of noise, but mostly quiet.
I've went SSB and hit skip to Arizona and even talked to a few guys in the UK. I'm running a 3ft firestik and want to upgrade, but what kind of difference would there be between the Sirio, Stryker, Tram, and a 102" whip?
I have my CB mounted in a truck that I rarely drive, so it doesn't matter which one I get, I just want the best performer.
Thanks for the headsup, @@niceguy71 I'm planning on placing my antenna as center as possible. Could you suggest a good relay, and possibly a picture of your relay? Thankswell if you don't mind drilling a hole in the roof... the Larsen NMO antenna's are probably the best
as for getting the best Magnetic mount Antenna
I would think the Sirio 5000 performer would be the best antenna out of the three.........especially at 77 inches tall.... but that tall????,
it will hit every tree limb driving down the road.... maybe it would be good for the city.. but in the country... in my opinion it would be too tall.
the Stryker AR-10 is what I would pick if money wasn't important
the Tram 3500 is a clone of the Wilson 1000 and both work pretty good
My tram 3500 hits a tree limb about once a week... and it still surprises me every time it happens...... but it's as tall as I would want on the top of a 6 foot tall pick-up truck.... so a 6 foot tall pick-up truck and a 5 foot tall Tram 3500 will be 11 feet tall to the tip of the antenna... and that will really get the signal out and hear pretty good too.
the Magnetic Mounted antenna should be placed in the center of the roof... in the center of the roof it will transmit and receive in a 360 degree pattern....... you really want it in the center...... say you transmit and receive 10 miles... well 10 miles in all directions is pretty good.... but if you have it ...say on the back left bumper... you will only transmit and receive 10 miles to the front right of the truck ( that would be basically out into the woods!) but you may only get 2 or 3 miles from all the other sides of the truck.... so you really want to try the center of the roof.
they say the 102" whip is the best
but it will not transmit/ receive 360 degrees unless you put it center of the truck... see picture ... it is also not as easy as slapping a magnetic mount on the roof.... I've never had any luck getting a 102" whip to work.. at least for me
you need to have metal under the antenna... people mount an antenna on the bed rail.... it has no metal under it and only gets a mile if that...... people also mount them on the back rack of a pick up.... and that's worse than the bed rail!!!!! some people mount them to a tool box in the back... if you RF Bond the tool box to the bed in several places and the bed to the cab on both sides.... it does work.... but now the antenna is lower than the roof and blocked by the back window of the cab.... it cuts most of the usefulness of the antenna out as it can't transmit/receive forwards as the cab is in the way.... the toolbox works but it's not the best option... you really want it on the roof with no obstructions around it.
lastly a pick-up truck is a terrible vehicle to get a CB antenna to work on...... on a car or even many SUV's they have a subframe... so the engine transmission and fenders grill bumper are all mounted to a front frame... and that frame is slipped into the body of the car... so the whole vehicle is RF Bonded ... Radio Frequency Bonded.... it is different than Electrical continuity.
you need large amounts of metal for RF to flow from body panel to body panel
problem on a pick-up truck is it has a full frame... the body sits on big rubber body mounts .... and the RF doesn't flow to the frame.... ALSO if you look the CAB is not actually connected to the BED.. the bed and the cab are just sitting ../ floating on the body mounts.... the body mounts are just a large rubber puck and only the bolt touches the BED and FRAME... and that bolt doesn't let the RF flow down to the frame.....you need all the metal of the pick-up to radiate when you key the microphone.... and all you have is the cab.... so you can do some RF-Bonding... you need WIDE Strapping 1 1/4 inch wide straps and you have to grind the paint off the places you attach the straps to... and using large bolts to the straps with Star washers that dig into the metal...... it will allow the radio frequency to flow.....
if you put a magnetic antenna on the roof and it works great... your done! if it only transmits 3 to 5 miles then you will have to do the RF Bonding.... the CAB and BED need to be strapped together on BOTH sides..... the fenders and the hood and the cab all need to be strapped together...... and you also have to put straps from the body to the frame on both sides of the truck.... you will also have to put some huge grounds from the body to the frame to get rid of electrical interference ... I know a youtube video that I watched before I did my pick-up.. and it taught me a lot.... BBI RF Bonding video part 2 it's a LONG video... if you listen to what he say's at 1 hr 8 minutes in.... I believe it... he did a truck with a magnet mount that only did 3 miles..... with 250 watts.... he pulled the headliner and found it only had 2 feet of metal around the area that the magnet mount was on... so he ran the RF straps and was able to do a 30 mile radius..... so watch the entire video.
getting a CB radio to work really well in a pick-up truck is a LOT OF WORK!.... good luck.
Davidbt you may also find this useful
good catch on the LED lights...... he has been around for months now and never hears anyone.... so I think something is wrong... either a cheap antenna or radio or he has so much ignition noise that he can't hear anyone..... we'll see what his antenna is soon I hope.Ive ran the the CB band Search on a few of my Unidens and I find it to be pretty Deaf. Running a Dedidcated Radio and a whip cut to the
band gived better results. Any LED Headlights or Fog Lights is a Killer in the car for Listening.
Pete N1EXA