Feed-line? Are you using RG-58? That stuff is lossy as a kitchen strainer at 800MHz. Use RG-6 QS you can probably get some from a cable TV installer for free or a sat guy, and then use F to BNC and F to UHF connectors. Don't try to solder connectors on it though because you can't, it will be a horrible connection. Yes, the adapters have some insertion loss, but way less than a poorly made connector. You might be able to find some SNS (Snap N Seal) BNC connectors at Menards, they have them in Cedar Rapids, but they wanted like $20 for 10 of them. No thanks!
The TV antenna suggestion is good, but remember to mount it tilted 90 degrees. The TV antenna is horizontally polarized, all the stuff you're listening to is vertically polarized. Having an antenna 90 degrees off polarization results in about a -20dB signal drop.
Height is also important, the higher the better. You should be able to get one of the cheap UHF only TV antennas and then run a separate line into your shack for that. Then just get an A/B antenna switch for VHF or UHF listening.