Possible Dollywood NXDN Upgrade

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Dec 20, 2010
Knoxville, TN


Dec 5, 2020
Makes sense. Everyone and their sister is using NXDN UHF in Sevier County minus Pigeon Forge on TACN. I realize Dolly Wood is a private industry, but I can assume their security works hand in hand with Sevier EMA, SO, and various FDs so I can guess that was for the sake of interop and familiarity on their part. Major stake holders tend to get a little privilege and Ole Dolly definitely does her part.

If the make nice with Land Air is the other question, but the Contact is Carroll Engineering so I’m guessing that is a totally different animal. Perhaps DW will let the previously mentioned onto their system?

Out of my realm, but it has good potential at least. NXDN and DMR are both well suited for a business such as Dolly Wood. Good move on their part.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 22, 2015
Glad to see they're FINALLY trying to cut ties with Land Air. It's also nice to see them continue to invest in onsite LMR as opposed to the countless other theme parks that are transitioning away from LMR for "Better" solutions like LTE/5G/CBRS.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
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Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Pray to God they don't go LAC. They do LAC, you can kiss hearing them ever again goodbye. Until that day the feds bust their ass to hell and jail the entire former SCSO command staff as they are the most corrupt bunch of floating turds in radio history. Who is LAC? LAC is the former command staff of SCSO. Enough said.


Dec 5, 2020
I think LAC is installing Hawkins County’s new DMR system.


Aug 16, 2002
so the gready courpt county radio guys strikes again .
the county needs to grow up and stop being played and bullied by this company. Why are they so scared to stand up to this company?
Whats it going to take for them to realize its junk. Another major wildfire or worse.
Several reports from 2016 showed communications failed . But what do you expect.
i mean the pidgeon forge fire cheif shows up on a scene drunk driving a city vehicle only to get a slap on the wrist.

ULS Application - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked - 0009797775 - DOLLYWOOD
This license has pending applications: 0009797775




Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2021
Shelby county, Alabama
Pray to God they don't go LAC. They do LAC, you can kiss hearing them ever again goodbye. Until that day the feds bust their ass to hell and jail the entire former SCSO command staff as they are the most corrupt bunch of floating turds in radio history. Who is LAC? LAC is the former command staff of SCSO. Enough said.
Very interested in this story of LAC, what is the entire companies name, i'm unfamiliar with the areas radios


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Land Air Communications founded by former Sevier County SO folks... And have literally run all the comms for the area for at least 20 years.


Aug 16, 2002
makes you wonder what ol dolly has cooking at the wood if they want to go to a nexedge possible encrypted system . maybe they are ashamed to let someone know the toliet is stopped up or a kid made a deposit in the wave pool . if this happens the county is locked down for sure.
i mean who is going to sit and listen to a theme park 24/7 . i worked security ems at one of these type of parks. 90 percent of the tiime in a 8 hour shift i slept in the on the couch in the office. from the 2nd day we opened the park i told the dispatchers you see that red button that said "PAGEOUT" use it . and do not patch us to security cause we have our own channel and we dont want to hear some kid has there hat backwards. or go escort the burger joint to the cash room for a drop. or every 15 mins a status check.

you know it would be intersting to see what fees they charge monthly or yearly.
we all know they are letting them use it for free. at least a thumbs up to the pidgeon forge police cheif for having the guts to go to the tacn network .


Dec 5, 2020
makes you wonder what ol dolly has cooking at the wood if they want to go to a nexedge possible encrypted system . maybe they are ashamed to let someone know the toliet is stopped up or a kid made a deposit in the wave pool . if this happens the county is locked down for sure.
i mean who is going to sit and listen to a theme park 24/7 . i worked security ems at one of these type of parks. 90 percent of the tiime in a 8 hour shift i slept in the on the couch in the office. from the 2nd day we opened the park i told the dispatchers you see that red button that said "PAGEOUT" use it . and do not patch us to security cause we have our own channel and we dont want to hear some kid has there hat backwards. or go escort the burger joint to the cash room for a drop. or every 15 mins a status check.

you know it would be intersting to see what fees they charge monthly or yearly.
we all know they are letting them use it for free. at least a thumbs up to the pidgeon forge police cheif for having the guts to go to the tacn network .
If I was a betting man the logic behind the move is likely so DW doesn’t have to maintain the communications system. Overall it is probably a costs savings move for them and likely gives them another talk path on their limited spectrum. The danger of further narrowing bands probably got tossed into the equation as well. The logic of a few county agencies switching over was the expense of building out their own systems or just subscribing to LAC. As far as LAC goes I don’t have any relations with them and never had so I can’t comment on how they operate, but they certainly have a reputation. Politics aside, I think the move to a digital system is probably a good ideal for DW and does prepare them for future endeavors. There might be more reasons for DW to make the switch. They definitely aren’t going to end up on TACN (impossible) and going DMR would have required building their own system and requiring some expertise that probably isn’t there.

Good question about encryption. I gather Disney is encrypted for security at least. I don’t think it is grandly necessary and adds to the complexity and expense of the system.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
lol, you don't know the power she has in them.... assets

She floated a part of the county multiagency bomb squad. If she wanted on the system, she'd find a way. Maybe she'd buy a utility and go that route LOL
Just going to say... Boing? LOL


Dec 5, 2020
Last I heard she’s worth about $680,000,000 so she could afford to make her own P25 Phase II statewide trunked network exactly the way she wants to, but she probably doesn’t have much of a need to create the Dolly Advanced Communications Network, so she will likely settle on something that requires less management on her behalf.

I hope she’s doing better things like planning her campaign for US President in the upcoming election. One can dream. (Full disclosure, she is not running for President.)


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Last I heard she’s worth about $680,000,000 so she could afford to make her own P25 Phase II statewide trunked network exactly the way she wants to, but she probably doesn’t have much of a need to create the Dolly Advanced Communications Network, so she will likely settle on something that requires less management on her behalf.

I hope she’s doing better things like planning her campaign for US President in the upcoming election. One can dream. (Full disclosure, she is not running for President.)
LOL! She could set up a nationwide system, linking DW (Dolly Wood), DPWWS (Dolly Parton's Wild West Stampede), and her other links to other entertainment industries, like TGOO (The Grande Old Opry) OLU (Opry Land USA), SFA (Six Flags America) etc... Her empire stretches from Myrtle Beach, SC to at least Branson, MO and elsewhere.


Dec 5, 2020
LOL! She could set up a nationwide system, linking DW (Dolly Wood), DPWWS (Dolly Parton's Wild West Stampede), and her other links to other entertainment industries, like TGOO (The Grande Old Opry) OLU (Opry Land USA), SFA (Six Flags America) etc... Her empire stretches from Myrtle Beach, SC to at least Branson, MO and elsewhere.
The kid running the Tennessee Tornado will need an APX NEXT. I guess if she builds out a VHF / 7-800 MHz Phase II system everyone probably would want on it. Season Passes? Her Husband’s construction empire is rather vast too.

I guess they really could have legit use for something like Mototrbo Ion. NXDN probably isn’t a bad way to go in their case. Trunkin!

Maybe TACN will want a piece of DACN.


Jul 19, 2002
Chicago Burbs
May I drawn your attention to this page on their website if their was any confusion. https://www.carrolltechnologiesgroup.com/partners/

Do with that as you see fit. In any case their the system designer, so that should speak volume. In case any was wondering

Land Air Total Communications | 865-453-2300 is the vendor we all talking bad about. They are horrible and the systems show if you go back and check case history. The fire is a excellent point and you can read the story's on systematic failures. How you have several radio sites and nothing but dead spots is amazing with all the tech that is out their. (Maybe bad system design with 80% mobile reliability for first responders) Some of that being bad admin policies etc.

If I own a company and I want radios for a massive trunking radio system I'm putting out to several vendors not just one company, public safety agencies take note. Also, I would not shy away from a state radio system because of the factor of maintenance, site costs, inter agency communication. However, I would also consider a tier III dmr system if I was dollywood that allows for multiple failovers and data integration. If they knew their employees were not going to tier up their radios mototrbo ion would not be a bad choice. Or in similar fashion LTE or ptoc devices.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
When it comes to the GSMNP, they are now also on the TACN, and can fully interop with any other users if needed. They learned from the mistakes, but it was not really the fault of the GSMNP folks, as the others COULD have all went to the State VHF interops but no one had proper training on that due to Sevier County being all proud and stuck on being an island due to LAC. LAC even seemed to have formulated an fix, and were going to build out an 800 MHz P25 TRS with links to the TACN, but it seems that it was never developed for whatever reasons. If LAC had been a MSI set up, they would have lost their MSI funding and contract by putting Public Safety on an Business TRS. (See what happened with Com South in MS on that, and they are now having to shut off their big TRS due to this.) But it seems Kenwood doesn't have any qualms about putting Public Safety on Business systems. If folks really wanted to fix things, the lawsuits would all be against LAC and Kenwood.
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