When it comes to the GSMNP, they are now also on the TACN, and can fully interop with any other users if needed. They learned from the mistakes, but it was not really the fault of the GSMNP folks, as the others COULD have all went to the State VHF interops but no one had proper training on that due to Sevier County being all proud and stuck on being an island due to LAC. LAC even seemed to have formulated an fix, and were going to build out an 800 MHz P25 TRS with links to the TACN, but it seems that it was never developed for whatever reasons. If LAC had been a MSI set up, they would have lost their MSI funding and contract by putting Public Safety on an Business TRS. (See what happened with Com South in MS on that, and they are now having to shut off their big TRS due to this.) But it seems Kenwood doesn't have any qualms about putting Public Safety on Business systems. If folks really wanted to fix things, the lawsuits would all be against LAC and Kenwood.