TRX-1: Possible ezscan bug or it’s me

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 2, 2003
bay city ,midland,saginaw,mi.
I created a scanlist imported a lot of talkgroup id’s ,possibly to many so I deleted them all and start over with a lot less selected this time............ now no ids will import to the that scanlist. Other Scanlists will allow import of ids but not that the scanlist that I deleted them from earlier............ hopefully this is understandable......... ps working with mpscs p25 phase 1 ....... thanks in advance


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
I created a scanlist imported a lot of talkgroup id’s ,possibly to many so I deleted them all and start over with a lot less selected this time............ now no ids will import to the that scanlist. Other Scanlists will allow import of ids but not that the scanlist that I deleted them from earlier............ hopefully this is understandable......... ps working with mpscs p25 phase 1 ....... thanks in advance

What do you mean you "created" a system, import or duplicated an existing one, or manually entered it? Is this a duplicate system, meaning a copy of one that already exists? If so, it won't import TGIDs for you, you have to create the spreadsheet (CSV) and manually import. If not, easy suggestion is delete the system and start over, should only take a few minutes to import the system and start fresh.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
It's probably EZ-Scan to blame. Any major work done that includes a lot of memory shuffling and it sometimes gets into trouble that cannot be solved other than permanently lockout a system and make a new one. Just lockout that system that you used for the import, don't delete it as that could move the problem to the next system you create that reuse the same memory area. At least that's what has happened to me a couple of times and I have now two systems that I cannot delete and need to have them locked out.



Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
First of all, I've documented a LOT of issues with EZ Scan. Secondly, I know the software has had lots of updates since my review, but there are a lot of basic functions (at least from my point of view) that are lacking. Some I believe are ties to limitations of the scanners (TRX-1 & TRX-2) themselves (or firmware running those radios).

I created a very large profile in Excel. One tab for conventional channels, one tab for each trunked system's sites, and one for each trunked system's talkgroups. The first line of each tab contains "keys" that match what EZ Scan wants to determine what the data in the column is. I always "copy" a tab to the clipboard and then "import" into EZ Scan (each thing has different ways of getting imported). The conventional channels remain in the order they were imported, and cannot be edited for the radio (changing the order on the screen doesn't count); and the TGs are sorted by their IDs.

If TG IDs are deemed invalid, they won't import. So you really must setup a system, select the correct trunk system type (MOT, P25, etc) BEFORE you import TGs. If anything goes wrong, unless you've clearly got it working; I'd delete that system and create a new one. Also, I would not mix stuff from RR with stuff you create (there's a sensitivity to that).
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