I have a buddy that has a spool (500'?) of messenger wire (Cable) for powerlines to houses. I'm sure its aluminum. 1/4 to 1/2 inch diameter
Now I know there might have been a few adult beverages involved but the idea of using it for a HF antenna QRO operations
Discounting issues with weight of the cable on the run, being such a large cable wouldn't that affect the length needed for a freq. range?
Supporting the cable at height shouldn't be an issue, as he has access to some heavy duty insulators that should take the weight (He works for a power company, and they are just gonna trash a bunch from a big job where they just replaced a bunch of them).
Thoughts? Besides we should seriously consider alcohol intake and possible joining AA. lol
Now I know there might have been a few adult beverages involved but the idea of using it for a HF antenna QRO operations
Discounting issues with weight of the cable on the run, being such a large cable wouldn't that affect the length needed for a freq. range?
Supporting the cable at height shouldn't be an issue, as he has access to some heavy duty insulators that should take the weight (He works for a power company, and they are just gonna trash a bunch from a big job where they just replaced a bunch of them).
Thoughts? Besides we should seriously consider alcohol intake and possible joining AA. lol