You gotta ask yourself why the huge difference in price.
Good point. Referencing my post above, $32.00 versus $139/$165 probably comes at the cost of several things, including good filtering.
A quality switch mode power supply shouldn't be much of an issue.
I think for your application, you could save some money by not getting such a large supply. Stick with one of the ones above, Samlex, Astron, I've even had good luck with DuraComm, but for running a dual band radio, a CB and 2 scanners, you could probably do just fine with a 15 amp supply. The dual band radio is probably going to only pull 12-13 at the most when transmitting. The CB will only pull 2-3 amps at the most when transmitting. Unlikely you'd ever be talking on CB -and- amateur radio at the same time. Even then, a 15 amp supply would be fine, as they often have some headroom of a few amps. The scanner won't pull much, maybe one amp each if they were actively receiving and you had the volume cranked up all the way.