So there I am monitoring an incident in one of my scanlists - I look over and instead of the object names just flying by in a blur, I can read each one as it takes about a second to go from one object to the next.
FIX: The scanlist I had setup had each and every channel set for CTCSS decode with a specific tone. What I had done was accidentally opened the squelch all the way.
Due to the fact that CTCSS was active looking for specific tones, I wasn't aware I had opened the squelch. Even though there was sporadic activity, I mistakenly thought the incident was winding down. Far from it!
To prevent this from happening again, I changed one of the objects in the scanlist to use CTCSS SEARCH instead of a known pl tone. That way if I really want the pl, I can easily restore it, otherwise, it will now alert me with noise that I've turned the squelch down too far by mistake.
FIX: The scanlist I had setup had each and every channel set for CTCSS decode with a specific tone. What I had done was accidentally opened the squelch all the way.
Due to the fact that CTCSS was active looking for specific tones, I wasn't aware I had opened the squelch. Even though there was sporadic activity, I mistakenly thought the incident was winding down. Far from it!
To prevent this from happening again, I changed one of the objects in the scanlist to use CTCSS SEARCH instead of a known pl tone. That way if I really want the pl, I can easily restore it, otherwise, it will now alert me with noise that I've turned the squelch down too far by mistake.
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