I am trying to put York CO PA on my scanner. When I download to the sofware it says there are to many Freq's for on channel. I tried to split them but does not seem pick up any of the Freq's now. Do I need split them a curtian way or do I need to drop some of the Freq's that I am downloading.
Using Win500, I imported the first three sites and called it York 1. I checked all TGRP Objects and used Scanlist 01.
Next I unchecked the first three sites and checked the last two sites keeping TGRP Objects checked. Again selected Scanlist 01 and labeled TSYS as York 2.
York 1 has 23 frequencies and York 2 has 24. Blocks used with this setup is 514 TGRP and 10 each for the two TSYS=534 total.
You can re-list TGRPS to your needs by editing Win500 prior to sending to scanner. Or You can import each site with selected TGRP's per your choice.