In order to receive Nolan County S. O. (everything), you need to enter their frequency twice. While it's the same frequency, they are using it in both digital, and analog, modes,
For one entry of their frequency 155.685, your squelch mode will be CTCSS (also known as a PL tone). Enter the PL tone listed, which is 123.0. That 'channel' is text-tagged in the database here as
Nolan SO 1A.
For the second entry of their frequency 155.685, your squelch mode will be P25 (Win500 calls it "NAC", not sure what ARC500 calls it, as I don't use that software. It's listed as 'P25' if entering manually on the scanner.) Enter the NAC code, 177. The text tag for that one is showing as
Nolan SO 1D (probably the A is for analog, the D for digital, just in the database here).
Several of the
Fisher County frequencies, just to your north, show as being used as 'mixed mode', so you would need to enter each of them twice, once with the PL tone (94.8 is shown), the second entry for each frequency with the NAC (076).
Scurry County, just to your west, also shows their frequency 155.700 as being used both as analog and digital. Again, double entry is needed. There are a few others in your area. Check the database entries for counties within 50-60 miles of you (basically "two counties" out). Many of these are fairly strong systems, that carry pretty well.
While I'm out of range to monitor your area on any kind of regular basis, I get out to Abilene & the 'Big Country' occasionally. I spend more time a little farther east, in the Stephens/Palo Pinto County area. What I've seen in some cases, like
Stephens, is that the S.O. units, law enforcement, may be using mostly the digital mode, while the analog mode is often retained and used for the volunteer fire departments, dispatched by the county.
I've seen this pattern enough in that area that for all the counties in range of where I'm going to be (I'll be in Breckenridge this weekend), or in range during my trip, I'll go ahead & create a 'digital search' entry for them if they are only analog at present. I have found a couple before they were reported to the database.
Remember that for Texas
DPS, no double entry is needed. It's all P25/digital, so just enter the frequencies and NAC codes.