PRO 106 Scan Problem

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May 17, 2010
Hays, KS
I recently purchased the Radio Shack Pro-106 scanner and after about 4 hours of messing with it and doing some research online, I feel fairly comfortable with it. But one question still remains. When i bought the scanner, Radio Shack programed all my talkgroups and frequencies for me. Wonderful. When it was scanning through all the different groups, i would get nothing from my local police or fire. After a few hours of frustration i found out how to tune in the frequencies I found on manually and stored them to scan list 10-110 or something like that. I can now receive transmissions from local police and fire but i still can't get them on the original talkgroups that Radio Shack setup for me. I hope i was clear in what's going on and any advice at this point would be great. Our county is still running on analog signals if that helps. Thanks in advance.


Jun 14, 2009
Nashville, TN
I did some looking for Hays, KS and see that its in Ellis county. The first thing I would do is look to see that RS programed the right control channels in for Hays, KS. Press PGM, then Press F2 and scroll over to the right until you see TSYS then press F3, This will bring you to the TSYS Programed in the scanner Im guessing there will only be one but could be a few in there. FInd the one you want to listen to and press F2 then scoll down to Type press left or right on the directional pad. Make sure that the TYPE is MOT 800/900 next highlight frequencies then press Sel Then make sure that 857.7625 is entered also 858.7625 then press F1 to save. Now press scan. making sure all the banks are on. Try this and let us know if it works
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