PRO-197...A little help please....

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Dec 16, 2010
Lake Charles, LA
Hi Everyone,
Just got my scanner yesterday, WAS working fine.
I'm 100% disabled and on tons of pain meds, so I'm not sure if the scanner is faulty or I'm just brain dead from the meds.

BTW, I'm on LWIN, it's p25.

Programmed it by hand and it was working great. Got in the control and alternate towers fine, then about 20 talkgroups ( Lake Charles, LA ).
It was working great until I decided to add some tags. Long story short, I messed something up and lost the scan list.

I thought, no problem, I'll just re-program, it just took me about 30 minutes the first time.

Now I get the towers in fine, but it will only let me put in one TGRP. After I put in the first # and hit done it gives me no options to add anymore, like it did the first time. I've tried wildcard, but that gives me nothing.
I'm getting very little traffic, and it just seems random.

Any sugestions...what am I doing wrong?

Also, is there anything I need to download to my computer before I do the 1.8 and 1.4 updates? Drivers, etc.

Not used to just laying around, thought this might help pass the time, but is getting a little frustrating.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Jim

I've tried numerous times on 6 different channels. I've tried func prog erase, still doesn't work.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2006
Southeastern Michigan
Without being able to see the screen info, it is very hard to say. I have added TGs to my scan lists by hand a few times, with no problems. (Granted I'm using a PSR-500, but it is the same, on an operational basis.)

On the chance that you hit something odd in the menus, what about resetting to factory settings, and reprogramming. I know it's a hassle, but it sounds like your system has minimal requirements.

If you have the programming cable, which it sounds like you do, I would highly suggest using PSREdit or ARC500.


Dec 16, 2010
Lake Charles, LA
Without being able to see the screen info, it is very hard to say. I have added TGs to my scan lists by hand a few times, with no problems. (Granted I'm using a PSR-500, but it is the same, on an operational basis.)

On the chance that you hit something odd in the menus, what about resetting to factory settings, and reprogramming. I know it's a hassle, but it sounds like your system has minimal requirements.

If you have the programming cable, which it sounds like you do, I would highly suggest using PSREdit or ARC500.

Thanks for the reply.
1. How did you add the talk groups to an existing scan list by hand?

2. I did a factory reset, but it will still only let me enter one tg. After I put in the control towers an tag and save twice them how do I get in more than one talk group in the id field?

3. I did a service search for public safety, added quite a few that way, but then I couldn't get it out of search mode. How do you do that? Thats when I had to do the factory reset.

Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

P.S..... I still need to know if I need to download anything like drivers before I do the system upgrade.

Thanks again....Jim


Mar 31, 2007
Jackson Square, East Weymouth, MA.
You need to look at page 34 of the manual. It is all explained from page 34 and on. You can use DUPE to create more TGRP objects on a system, the explanation follows along on page 37.


Dec 16, 2010
Lake Charles, LA
Thanks N1BHH. I'll try that. Right now I really need to know how to turn off a dedicated service search without reseting this thing to factory default again

Can't find it in the book anywhere.
When I hit scan, it scans but the search keeps running????


Premium Subscriber
Nov 18, 2008
Campbell County, Wyoming

If you 'save' a search with the 197/106 the scanner stores it as a scanable object. Scoll throughyour objects untill you find it then delete just that object. I am still getting used to the 'new' object orinatated scaning but I like the my PRO 106 a lot- it is a fine radio once I realized my earlier experience with scanners was not going to help. Read the maual and the articles on the 106/197 here on the site-enjoy the learning as well as the listening. hope you get better and stay in the hobby after.
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