w9pma said:
Okay and I just got home from buying the 2051, lol I can always take it back.
Is there a free downloadable program I can use to set this up (Programming software)? I have an interface cable. Thanks
-Also: What other digital scanners are there besides Pro 433? I want to research them. 73s
The PRO-433 is not a digital trunktracker - it is analog only. You have, however, come to the right place to start your research. Start it
here These are all the digital trunktrackers currently available. This page is set up like an index; click on a model number, and you will be taken to that scanner's article (wiki speak for 'page'). Everything about these scanners is laid out here in detail. (click on the blue text - they're hyperlinks)
You didn't say whether you were looking at handhelds or base/mobile units. Generally speaking, I think it's safe to say that, on the Radio Shack side, the PRO-96 and PRO-2096 - the only 2 digital RS/GRE trunktrackers - seem to hold their own; in fact, you can easily start an argument about Uniden vs.GRE trunkers and which one likes one or the other better.
On the Uniden side, the BCD396T (handheld) and BCD996T (base/mobile) are pretty much at the top of the heap. While there are free tools for the Unidens, I don't know of any for the RS models.
Since you are on the go, it would pay for you to become a premium
subscriber. Depending on what scanner you decide to get, there is software available that will allow you to download directly from the databases on this site, insuring that the data you use is as up to date as it can be. For the PRO-96/2096, a program called Win96 from Starrsoft has this capability. For the BCD396T, ARC396, and for the 996, ARC996. Both of these ARCxxx programs are available from Scanner Master. A subscription is quite cheap, and well worth having downloadable data available to you.
You might not understand this right now, so file this away - whatever you do, you should do 2 things;
a. Avoid Scancat Lite Plus like you would a FCC citation;
b. Do not let an otherwise well-meaning RS employee pre program your PRO-96 or 2096, if you go that route.
If you don't understand
trunking, our Wiki has links to articles that can help you out there, as well. With more and more areas going in that direction, it is an important concept to understand. You need not get real in-depth - just become familiar with some of the terminology and how it applies to your scanner, and you will be on the right path. You will learn that no scanner made gets everything - there are some protocols that cannot be scanned. What you buy and where you go with it will determine what system(s) you can hear, generally speaking.
73s and GL...Mike