Pro 2066 Parts in Canada?

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Jul 9, 2010
Hello All -

I recently got a few old Pro 2066 units, and they're all (save one unit) missing their knobs and power adapters.

In terms of the knobs, the metal dial potion (where the wires attach) is fine, however the shimmy washer and nut is missing on all of them (this is how you connect the dials to the face so they don't fall backwards into the unit). I've tried Canadian tire, home depot, and even Brafasco but no one has washers or nuts that are slim enough (the washer only being about 1mm thick, and the nut is only 2-3mm thick...any thicker and it would prevent the plastic knob from having room to attach).

Speaking of the plastic knob, I also need them (or something equivalent). Again having tried a few places, I can't find anything small enough. The knobs on these units are only about 1/2 inch in diameter.

The power adapter should be easy enough, but these units require 13.8V, 500mA (positive tip), and that 13.8 number is proving tough to find as well.

I've tried The Source here in Canada (since, as I'm sure you all know RadioShack isn't up here anymore), but they don't have anything useful (the couple knobs they carry are both too big, and their a/c adaptors only go up to 12V). And as I said above, the usual hardware places don't have nuts/washers that are small enough.

I've called the RadioShack 1-800 # that they list in their parts list/manual online, but that seems to be a dead end since you can't order parts over the phone - and they won't take orders or ship to Canada anyway....

So I seem to have hit a bit of a dead end here...Any suggestions as to where I can find parts (new, used, etc) for this radio?



Mar 20, 2009
Here in the US we have stores that cater to industrial fasteners and other items called "Fastenal". If they do not have it in stock, they can get almost any kind of washer, bolt, nut, or screw that you can imagine or need.

The option on the other parts is to try to order them through RSU parts at a Radio Shack store. Correct that you cannot order them online or over the phone. Not sure what you would do in that case.

13.8 is commonly 12 volts.....13.8 is the voltage when the alternator on a car is putting out full output. A 500ma 12V supply will work.
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Jul 9, 2010
Thanks, James.

Brafasco sounds as though it's the same sort of store as Fastenal, which I've never heard of...But through the magic of a quick google search, we seem to have Fastenal in Canada as well, and there is even a store about 10 minutes away from my house - so I will definitely give them a try.

Also, good tip on the 13.8/12v. The 12v/500mA adapters I've seen lots of, so that should be no problem.

Thanks again!

...and If anyone has a suggestion for a good place to find some knobs (aside from RadioShack, since as I described originally I can't get radioshack parts in Canada).

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