Pro 2096

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Jun 20, 2010
Palmyra Indiana-Harrison,County
Does anyone know where or what I need to use for the patch download for the PRO2096.And where I might get the cable.I also here more talk than I need Harrison CO was 158.9250 and now they are 867.4000 total mess. I here more than just the CO. I want to listen t,my PRO 97 ALL IT DOES ON THE 867.4000 IS A BUSS NOISE.I am really lost now that they are 800 freq.Maybeis something simple and I am slow at prog. untill I am showed how to do it.Harrison CO. Indiana still uses 155.9250 a few times but now its the 800 freq. HELP---THANKS


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA

....And where I might get the cable.... I want to listen to my PRO 97 ... HELP---THANKS
The PRO-97 and PRO-96 use the same cables. I have both the COM port version and the USB version. You can still get the USB version from RadioShack (20-047).

Check here under programming cables.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The 'Buss' sound strongly suggests that you are not programming this freq as a trunk system. Without a better idea of where 'Harrison CO' is, it's a little difficult to help. Is that Harrison County (if so, in what state?) Harrison Colorado (is that a county name or is that a town/city - in which case, the county is needed).

I'd suggest starting by reading some articles in our wiki...(anything in blue is a link)

Trunking Basics - The RadioReference Wiki

Common Trunking Programming Questions - The RadioReference Wiki

and if you're programming the 97 by hand, this should help...

Programming Shortcut for the PRO-97 - the RR wiki

What 'patch download' are you referring to? Are you trying to get some updated firmware? Are you sure you even need it?

There's an awful lot of questions that seem jammed into one inquiry....73 Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Its Indiana, City is Corydon Indiana of Harrison County. Thanks everybody I am a little slow with scanners. I will be getting the programing cable after the first.

OK let's start with the database entries for Harrison County and Safe-T, which is the statewide public safety system in Indiana

Harrison County, Indiana (IN) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference

Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T Trunking System, Statewide, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies

The Pro-97 should be able to handle most anything that's on that first page; however, the Safe-T system uses a mix of analog and digital talkgroups. Assuming that Safe-T has not undergone a frequency shift process known as rebanding, the 97 could only handle those talkgroups that are marked 'A' in the mode. Anything marked 'D' the 97 cannot hear. To read up on rebanding, click the blue word in this paragraph.

In addition the 97 cannot be modified to handle rebanding; however the 2096 can, with the use of either Win96 or ARC96 software packages. The procedure for modifying your radio using Win96 is documented here; as for ARC96, that's defined here.

I would not worry about understanding this right now; however I would bookmark all these pages for future reference.

To get a better understanding of Safe-T and programming issues with that system, I would go directly to our Indiana forum. There is even a Safe-T Yahoo group

As to whether your 2096 needs a firmware upgrade, I would start with the RS forum (although I'm surprised no one has answered that question yet) 73 Mike
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Jun 20, 2010
Palmyra Indiana-Harrison,County

Thanks Mike , Richard here I think I have been to most of these sites and have printed most of them out. I will over what you sent to see what I may have missed. I have both of the scanners in here the 2096 on -867.4000 and the PRO 97 on 155.9250 which they are talking on both. I have three computers, and several ham radio and vhf radios all running fine and no conflick with interference. Like I said I am slow with the scanners but when they went to 800 messed me all up.Once I learn how to program with the 800. Thanks alot I will let you know how I did. I know no one here to help all my friends are in texas and Oklahoma.I am KC9QBB here in Indiana on a hill here in the country.
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