Just checking to see if anyone can help me out. I just acquired a RS Pro 2096 scanner. Been using Win96 and radio reference to set it up. I am not receiving anything on it? Any suggestions on what I can do?
Precisely what are you trying to hear? Be specific- that's a very old scanner that can't handle many of the newer systems....and what about your antenna situation? Indoor or outdoor? Discone, etc.? How high is it?
The scanner has the stock antenna on it, which is inside. I am attempting to scan both digital and conventional frequencies with it. Not sure if this will still work with the SD State system. It has in the past but that was years ago when I had one.
The 2096 likely needs to be rebanded for for SD's trunked system. The 96 and the 2096 can be rebanded with Win500 software. The 96 and the 2096 have many more features and settings accessible with Win500 that are not accessible from the keypad.
The 2096 will work on the states system with custom tables inputed for the next year or two. The state is going to update the system after that. Rumor is a phase II system. Money was appropriated this legislative session for it. Motorola is going to stop supporting their current system after 2024-2025.
The 2096 likely needs to be rebanded for for SD's trunked system. The 96 and the 2096 can be rebanded with Win500 software. The 96 and the 2096 have many more features and settings accessible with Win500 that are not accessible from the keypad.