PRO - 404 Question

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Jun 2, 2010
Minford, Ohio
Hello Everyone, I have monitored the site frequently over the past months with all my scanner needs and listening to online feeds. I have a PRO-404 Scanner from RadioShack and is less than 5 months old. Ive programmed many frequencies into it and now I cant hear anything from the main frequency I always listen too, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what I should do? I locked out some channels that are usually dead and feed nothing but static. Is there anyway to delete the stored frequencies? I have read everything I can find and read the entire user guide, if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all very much.

Here is the link to RadioShacks website with the info about my scanner if needed - RadioShack® 200-Channel VHF/AIR/WX/UHF Handheld Scanner -


Apr 9, 2010
I have one of these and there are a few ways to delete frequencies. The manual does cover these but since there are a million ways to do everything with this scanner I can see why you may have some trouble.

If you want to clear a single frequency from a channel (p 25 of manual) locate the channel you want to remove and stop on it. Press PGM and press 0 then enter. It clears the frequency. You can also keep pressing PGM til the desired frequency is selected that you want deleted.

On page 30 of the manual there is a section on reviewing and removing your lock-outs.

Finally there is the option to initialise and start from scratch. Page 33 and 34 cover this as well as troubleshooting issues. Initialising should only be done if you KNOW it is not working properly. I personally would not use this option since reprogramming everything would be a huge pain.. But if you MUST..

Turn off the scanner and back on again. When you see the welcome message press 0 then press 1. "Initial" will appear then "Yes--ent" and "No--clear" Press Ent. it asks you to Wait. When complete the display will read "1CH 000.000o"

Hope this helps you out!
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