I have Been trieng to program this scanner for trunking. I have not been able to do it. And since it is a verision a it cant be done by pc. Can Anyone Help Me. Thank You
I'm at work now and don't have my 94 with me. I have suscribed to your post, so if you don't get any help I'll try to get you going later. Do you have the instruction book? If not, I think you can get it on the computer.
I just wanted to say thanks for posting the link. I just bought a used Pro-94 (for $39!) and used the link to program what I needed in about 15 mintues.
I just wanted to say thanks for posting the link. I just bought a used Pro-94 (for $39!) and used the link to program what I needed in about 15 mintues.
You are welcome. Enjoy. I know when you just buy a scanner most just want to get the thing programmed and running right away without doing a lot of research first.
I would like to point out that the link as well as a wealth of other great information on particular makes of scanners can be found in the "Wiki" page on this site, check the toolbar above next to Database. Have fun with the scanner and spend some time in the Wiki and forums doing some reading up.
Just click on Radio Shack scanners and your Scanner name then scroll down to Related Links.