I just purchased a Pro-96 and i have it prorgamed for Connecticut State Police. I just have the freq in there and its on Motorola mode. Sometimes it is clear and i can hear the voice but some of the freq are weird sounding ( its not a voice it just a constant sound kinda weird to explain) and sometimes the normal freq dont come in good enought that i can understand them. Do i need to enter any other info into the scanner other than the freq. Is there somethign i can do to make it better. Heres the info on CSP.
Motorola Type II SmartZone
APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
Any Other Info is in the data base.
Can Anyone Help Me Out? Thanks Very Much
I just purchased a Pro-96 and i have it prorgamed for Connecticut State Police. I just have the freq in there and its on Motorola mode. Sometimes it is clear and i can hear the voice but some of the freq are weird sounding ( its not a voice it just a constant sound kinda weird to explain) and sometimes the normal freq dont come in good enought that i can understand them. Do i need to enter any other info into the scanner other than the freq. Is there somethign i can do to make it better. Heres the info on CSP.
Motorola Type II SmartZone
APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
Any Other Info is in the data base.
Can Anyone Help Me Out? Thanks Very Much