PRO-96 Help

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May 26, 2004
I've used the win96 softward to program (if you use the term lightly) my pro-96. I don't have a lot of time to sit down and mess with it as I have a very busy schedule.

I mainly monitor the AWIN system here in Arkansas for the State Police, which is a Motorolla APCO-25 system ( I THINK). I noticed a few weeks ago that on some channels the scanner will go to one frequency and hang up, all you can hear is light static. This seems to occur often times after a transmission has come accross on that frequency.

One of the banks that doesn't do that on the AWIN is set to EDAC on the very first or 000 frequency in the bank, the rest are set to MOT. The only draw back is that this doesn't seem to pick up as well as the banks that the freq. are all set to MOT. But it doesn't do the hang up thing. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!! Also, does anyone have any suggestions for a really effective 800 mhz exterior vehicle antenna? Thanks again.


AWIN Arkansas


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
arpilot said:
I mainly monitor the AWIN system here in Arkansas for the State Police, which is a Motorolla APCO-25 system ( I THINK). I noticed a few weeks ago that on some channels the scanner will go to one frequency and hang up, all you can hear is light static. This seems to occur often times after a transmission has come accross on that frequency.

One of the banks that doesn't do that on the AWIN is set to EDAC on the very first or 000 frequency in the bank, the rest are set to MOT. The only draw back is that this doesn't seem to pick up as well as the banks that the freq. are all set to MOT. But it doesn't do the hang up thing. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!! Also, does anyone have any suggestions for a really effective 800 mhz exterior vehicle antenna? Thanks again.


AWIN Arkansas

1. Why EDACS on what has to be programmed for MOT to receive P-25?
2. It will happen (light static) on the 96.
3. How many of the multi-sites do you have programmed in? Unfortunately, the 96 does not do well with many sited programmed in one bank. They need to be separated in individual banks by a non-active vhf frequency. I.E. system1, vhf, system 2.
4. If you are new to digital scanning, it is quite different than listening to analog. Get the RS 800mhz antenna and open your squelch all the way counterclockwise. It will allow the scanner to hear signals that are not as loud.
5. Did you buy at RS, or privately. Just wondering.
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