edmondcops said:
Of course, it's always possible that some of your freqs don't have a CTCSS tone encoded, thus no display. But CTCSS is one of the things l love about the PRO 97. Makes the squelch irrelevant, which helps with weak-signal reception.
One thing I do not like about using the CTCSS/DCS feature (I use it all the time when I know it), is that, with the 97 or the 2055, the scanning process stops and the scanner locks up on a CTCSS/DCS channel that has no activity AND the squelch is TOO tight (for instance, fully turned ccw), .... the scanner stops and parks at that "noisy" inactive channel.. forever.
Whenever I see that the scanner is apparently scanning only one of the banks I selected for scanning, and hear no activity for a long time, I get suspicious and then press the MAN button to see if the "signal-present" icon (jagged lightning bolt at the end of the second display line) is turned on. If so, I would turn the squelch knob cw until the icon disappears and hopefully not move the setting unintentionally, like when adjusting the volume.
Do other brand scanners act the same way with CTCSS/DCS channels? i.e., lock on noise?