Pro 97 Trunking

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May 24, 2007
I Am somewaht new to RS Scanners and trunking :( i dont seem to be able to get the trunking to work for the life of me i have read the manual back to front and back again i live in Oro Valley / Tucson AZ and i have most of the non trunking freq. avalible to listen too but i cant get any of the marana/Pima COunty Sherriff deot/Tucson electric power/ tmc or even the prision trunking systems to scan?????? any sugestions.... i finally got sick of hand entering everything an i now use win97 ....and last part of the question *rolls eyes* i know that u have to program the bank to mo/ltr ect ect but the actual freq. channel when u press mode do you need to also have all the channels in a particular mode? (i feel really stupid and i know that once i get the programming it will be a breeze but i just cant figre it out"
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May 24, 2007
ok.... but it seems that it wont go to any transmissions and or show me a talkgroup id unless it stumbles on one of the output channels


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
THe PRO-97 manual is PURE JUNK. I already knew how to program several scanners before I got a PRO-97 and still had a tough time with several issues. Note that there is an "easier to read" manual in the Wiki section here at RR. I'm sure that will be helpful.

The link you provided shows that what you want to hear is an LTR system. Do you see the little 2 digit numbers before the larger numbers that indicate the frequency? Those little numbers indicate the "channel slot" in which you need to program in that frequency in order for it to work correctly. It should be fairly straight forward to do with WIN97. Here's what you should do:
1) Pick a bank you want to use for this system.
2) Let's say you select bank 1. If the 2 little numbers indicate "01" then that freq goes into channel 101 (or bank 1, channel 01) NOT channel 00.
3) Put in all the frequencies for the site you want programmed. Make sure to set the MODE of EACH frequency to "LTR".
4) Leave the bank in OPEN mode for now (don't select the box in WIN97 that says "closed")
5) Download to the scanner.

Press SCAN and you should be able to hear everything on that system. If that works, continue as follows:
6) Program in the desired "talkgroup IDs" for what you want to hear. Don't forget to put in some alpha text (limited to 16 characters) that YOU understand. The alpha tags are just there to help you ID the channel/talkgroup when it talks.
7) Put the bank in CLOSED mode.
8) Download to the scanner.

Press SCAN. Now you should hear only the talkgroups you have programmed (as long as their sub groups are ON and none are locked out).

Good luck!
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