With both the scanners I use on a regular basis, I've separated the Sac city site and county site to two different banks/systems. I don't hear the Sac city site very well from my home, but I hear SacPD just fine on the county site. I don't, however, get SacFD at all on the county site. Nothing. I always have Metro Fire on, and if units are assigned to B6 or 7, I never hear them without turning on the city system. But, since I can barely hear that site, I don't even bother.
The ID's I've programmed are identical in each system/bank. I've experienmented with one scanner on the city site and the other on the county site, but can't figure out why I can only hear SacPD on the county site and not the FD. I'd like some help if someone's got the answer. Thanks.
The ID's I've programmed are identical in each system/bank. I've experienmented with one scanner on the city site and the other on the county site, but can't figure out why I can only hear SacPD on the county site and not the FD. I'd like some help if someone's got the answer. Thanks.