Problem with Starrsoft Win95 data entry

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Aug 10, 2022
I have been successfully using your Win95 v0.13 software for my Pro95. I am using banks 0,1,2 where I enter frequencies, alpha and bank names OK, and can move frequencies up down, and reorder bank arrangement. I then wanted to open bank 3 and proceeded to enter the frequencies and alpha tags, and could also re-arrange frequency ordering. However I could not enter the bank name in bank 3 or any of the higher numbered ones, just 0,1,2. I tried switching the bank order so bank 3 became bank 2 or 1, but was still unable to enter bank name.

I am using Windows 10 and the original free download, so not sure if a driver needs updating to overcome this problem. Or should I reload Win95 again in case something was corrupted (if I reload, will it delete the data file(s)?

Maybe the better question is, is there a more current better Pro95 downloader program, even if not freeware?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
IMO WIN95 is the best program for that scanner. I have had zero problems with it. However, I am not using it under Windows 10. In theory the serial driver should not be the cause but I've seen some strange stuff. You might try starting from a blank template as perhaps there's something goofy in your p95 file.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Using it on Win 10 with no problems. Driver only an issue if it will not recognize the interface to the scanner.
Agree that creating a new file may be a good first start.
We have not heard from Mr. Starr in several years but perhaps he might respond from his email on the product page
If you have Microsoft Excel might export the win file to a csv format, set it up then import it back.


Aug 10, 2022
Using it on Win 10 with no problems. Driver only an issue if it will not recognize the interface to the scanner.
Agree that creating a new file may be a good first start.
We have not heard from Mr. Starr in several years but perhaps he might respond from his email on the product page
If you have Microsoft Excel might export the win file to a csv format, set it up then import it back.
I do not see how to export the win95 file to Excel.


Aug 10, 2022
I downloaded and extracted the the Win95 zip file, opened new Win95 program and reloaded my RR file but no joy. :cry:
Here was my clunky work around:
I copied a bank where I could change bank name to the clipboard (page symbols next to big up/down arrows) , then copied the clip board to a vacant bank position, changed copied bank name to the desired new name, and re-entered the frequencies for the new named bank (luckily only six to do!).


Aug 10, 2022
For what its worth I tried opening the Win95 file into Excel and Word, but all that is displayed is gibberish characters, nothing readable, so figure this has something to do with the GUI interface translation to readable English (speculation)? As long as I have a work around I am good.


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Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
I do not see how to export the win95 file to Excel.
From WIN95, you do a Save As and select the Save as type of Text Files (*.txt) (this will save a text file that is human readable and can be edited easily).
Then you can open that in word, excel or just windows notepad which may be the safest choice as notepad should not add any special characters which both Word and Excel may do.
Edit your bank names in the txt file you saved and save it as a txt file again with a new name using whatever program you used to edit the names.
This will allow you to keep the original file in case something goes wrong.
Then run WIN95 and do a File Open and change the File Type selection dropdown to Text Files (*.txt) and Win95 will read and display your new file. Look it over and make sure the bank names are correct. I'd probably do a save as again from Win95 but let Win95 use the default Win95 format which uses an extension of .p95. Then write the data to your Pro95 and see if the bank names are now correct when you use the radio.

There is one more thing you need to watch for when editing a Bank Name from your txt file.
You will notice the Bank Names are entered between a left and right bracket [ ].
When you edit a bank name, you need to make sure the amount of character space between the two brackets is exactly the same amount otherwise Win95 probably won't be able to read the file you changed.
It appears the Bank Name field has 12 characters between the brackets. If the empty characters are not simple spaces, you may need to use a program like Notepad++ to open and edit and then save your files. Notepad++ is very good about not changing or adding any special characters that could cause Win95 to not be able to open your changed file.
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Aug 10, 2022
Hi Kruser
Downloaded the .p95 into excel sheet. Found the the bank name did not have the closing text delimiter ] but it was in next column. So put delimiter after 12th character position and deleted the one in adjacent column. Filled the empty bank names with EMPTY EMPTY (12 characters) as place holder and as check the new file took.. Saved whole mess as p95, opened Win95 loaded new p95 and everything seemed in place so uploaded to scanner and so far so good.
But still have original "screwed up" file just in case.
Was interesting to see how everything is arranged as far as trunking layout.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I have a master file in Excel. To get data from that Excel to each scanner's software I must do a copy and paste. Most of the programs don't read/write csv/etc.; and even when they do you have to follow that radio's protocol strictly. Sounds like you have a good workaround just editing in text format.
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