wow, sorry. it's an XTL 2500 VHF trunking. control heads match and work together. they dont need to be sync'd. it came up normally with no program yet. i tried a new control head cable. a new control head to no avail. once i plugged the programming cable into the back it finally read the radio. seems to be the only way to do it. i tried syncing the head/pack anyway and it didnt improve anything. im using the latest CPS and sync file. i tried the serial cable and the usb one. niether work on the head but both work on the pack.
ok - thats a little better with the info but i think your terminology is in question.
if by "pack" you mean radio "chasis" and you are trying to use a new control head
other than what came with the radio then you must make sure the firmware in the
head and chasis match, otherwise this can cause communication problems between
the head and chasis. Your best bet is to call moto tech support and go over the
firmware details of both the head and chasis with them as they can tell you what
the problem is better than i can on this forum as i do not have the info sources that
would be needed for such trouble shooting.