programing 396t

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Dec 17, 2009
Fremont county IDAHO
Trying to remove FREQ from my new used BCD 396t To program in all of south east Idaho countys. Never owend a digatal scanner I have a demo of arc396t But looking for pointers or may have to have someone to do this for me I have ben using a BC 200 other RS scanners but nothing like this Thanks carey


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
According to this article, there are several ways to initialize memory

Uniden scanner test modes - The RadioReference Wiki

and when it asks you to reload, say NO

Since you're new to DMA, I'd recommend that you read the following articles from our wiki. It can be accessed through the toolbar under the Scanner Master ad - float your mouse over Wiki and click on Wiki Homepage...(note: all links are in blue)

* In the Popular Topics section, click on the Uniden DMA FAQ. At the bottom of the FAQ are links to the Easier to Read manuals. Download the one for the 396T

* If you need to learn about trunking, then go to the Links for Newcomers area, and click on Trunking Basics

Now to bring this back on topic (software), go to the FreeScan website and download it. It's freeware and very well supported. The user manual for this software can be found here .

One more thing - to get the connection between the scanner and PC, you will likely need a USB-serial converter, since newer PCs don't have serial ports anymore. In that same wiki page I mentioned earlier, there's an article entitled 'Connecting scanners via USB' which gives you links to Uniden's USB-1, a couple of alternatives and links to drivers. Be sure to read this as it gives specific hints and tips about installing drivers and making sure they are allocating a COM port properly

73 Mike
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