You should be mostly concerned about the green-shaded column in the corresponding tables on this page
and they can all be in one bank.
The Green column represents the "repeater out" and the yellow column represents the "repeater in" for lack of a better explanation. That is, by me.
These are "conventional" frequencies that consist of older radios, especially portables, that each agency keeps active.
For the Alamo Heights TRS you would program the EDACS channels for site 012 on this page and add the related talkgroups for Alamo Heights services.
The TRS radios are newer, more sophisticated, usually the car radios and dispatching equipment.
This could be done all on one bank:
Leave Channel 0 Blank
Program Channles 1,2,3 & 4 for Alamo Heights EDACS
(I prefer to ) Leave channel 5 blank
add the Windcrest and Alamo Heights Conventional frequencies on Channel 6 and up.
HTH, Mike