OnePcDoc said:
i have a question i have programed the custom table and then put in all the cc for all the sites with a space between each and the space is programed to 1300.00 fm is this the correct way or should i just put it the hampton cc by them self with out any of the other towers wondering cause it seems like i'm not getting anything on it at all
Either way is ok, because the scanner will only function on activity of the control freq which it adequately receives data on. Hampton is not very active at this time, but Williamsburg is. The Chesapeake CC is off at this time.
Did you use Win96 to set the three custom tables?
BTW, on the Hampton tower (111) last night a women using ID 6703 was talking to some guy about "them letting us use these $28k radios". I've recently logged a few transmissions on ID 6703 affiliated with radio 37210. Also had that talkgorup affiliate with radio 37211 on the Chesapeake tower (114) two days ago and talkgroup 4125 affiliate with radio 22317.