Programming apco 25 into my new BCD396t

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Apr 11, 2007
I just purchased a new Uniden BCD 396t scanner after having used an old Realistic scanner that is probably 20 years old so in a way I guess I am considered a new user. New as far as modern scanners go.

Well anyway, I am trying to figure out how to program in the Akron Police as well as the many suburbs that have and are soon to be going digital. Does anyone out there in the Summit county area have a BCD396t that they have programmed these digital frequencies into? if so, can you pass on this information? It seems that I have no problem plugging in the analog frequencies because they scan just fine but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I am doing wrong because the Akron Frequencies and Talk IDs are silent.



OH DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Akron, OH
Akron (summit county) is not an APCO-25 system. APCO-25 is 9600 baud control channel, and pure digital. The Summit County system is 3600 baud, mixed analog/digital. Here's how to add it:

1) hit menu button (left side, bottom button)
2) select Program System
3) scroll to bottom and select New System
4) select MOT for system type
5) select 800MHz Standard (NOT P25)
6) 'E' to confirm
7) change name if you'd like
8) repeat steps 1 and 2 to get back to list of systems
9) select the system you just created
10) scroll to 'Set Frequencies'
11) scroll to New Frequency and enter the following frequencies:
853.11250 853.36250 853.51250 855.26250
12) go back to the top menu of the system (where 'Set Frequencies' shows on display), and select 'Edit Sys Option'
13) you can now use the edit group like you did for convetional. You'll just enter talkgroups instead of frequencies.

PM me if you need any help.



OH DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Akron, OH
No problem. I did just look at what I did and noticed I forgot to have you put that system in Control-Channel Only mode. Whoops. I guess that must be the default since you are up and running. I haven't added a new system in a long time.
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