Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
I have two friends getting bcd996p2's and am planning on helping them. I am looking for the most efficient way for programming a system with multiple sites. I am used to the x36 scanners and am not sure how similar things are with the Quick Keys.
I think I am going to use Free Scan to program and import the system from the RRDB. Should I assign each site a quick key or does the 996p2 look for the closest site and choose that. I am trying to figure out how a large statewide system can be numbered efficiently if each site needs a QK to toggle on/ off and selected individually. A gps will not be used, at least for now.
I think I am going to use Free Scan to program and import the system from the RRDB. Should I assign each site a quick key or does the 996p2 look for the closest site and choose that. I am trying to figure out how a large statewide system can be numbered efficiently if each site needs a QK to toggle on/ off and selected individually. A gps will not be used, at least for now.