I sorry to as such a bumb question when looking at the charts from the database what does input refer to and Type example what is type BM ? Please help
BM stands for base/mobiles...if you put your mouse over the type field it will bring up a pop box that shows you what the abbreviations stand for. You want to enter the frequencies that are listed under frequencies. The input is the frequeny that is input to the repeaters.
So I was for some reason thinking it was the same as MODE like MOT are LTR So as long as i have the Freguency in it should work.
Thank you for the help sorry again about the dumb question.
Are you asking about conventional freq's . . . or a trunking system ?
If you are asking about an LTR or EDACS system , then most definitely the order does make a difference. Follow the freq's from the database chart precisely.
In Motorola systems , no, but personally I like to enter in ascending order.
1. Conventional AM or FM channels = no
2. Motorola trunking channels = no
3. EDACS = they have to be programmed in specific channel #s
4. LTR = they have an order to them.
I've found it easier to generally program channels by frequency order at least within a bank.