programing the pro96 with arc96
i appreciate the help i received on this site. iam using the arc96 program on my pro 96. the program is very user freindly. i do still however have a couple questions regarding rebanding in wash co. michigan. first about entering the reband table for the system here inwash co. from what ihave read on radio ref forums it seems like the reband table for mot 3600 systems is recommended. but here if you go to the m.p.s.c.s. data base,the new listings for the wash co. system is starting the transistion. the is a digital system and sites around wash co. are already digital. my ouestion is do i still enter the mot 3600 reband table or the 9600 reband table. also does it matter when i enter the table while using arc96 after freqs are loaded in the scanner for the bank being programmed or at any time . the last question is about the reband calculator. its purpose or is it necessary for what iam doing here. any help will certainly be appreciated.