Project Four Corners (BCD996T GPS functionality test)

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Nov 14, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
Once again I will be traveling from Tucson to Denver via automobile. I have made the last 4 trips on secondary roads and only travelled 47 miles on the interstate. This made for an excellent journey through some of the most beautiful areas of Arizona and Colorado.

The trip included AZ 77 to I 40 to US 191 into Colorado to CO 160 to CO 145 to CO 62 to 50 to CO 285.

Only this time I will be using the BCD996T and will be trying out as much as possible the GPS functionality. The only problem is I do not have much time to program all of the needed info between now and the 9th of June so PLEASE help!!

I am looking for help from anyone that already has BCD396T/BCD996T programming done for those areas. If you just feel like playing with UASD 996 here is your chance.

Within that programming I am also looking for the inputs for the various LEO agencies as well as Emergency Service agencies to test the "BearTracker Emulation" feature available within the fuctionality of these scanners.

I will be looking for Locations (LAT LON in DMS) for the border crossings and DRD DXG and POI as well as centers for systems and sites for agencies operating within the route.

This will help in a review I plan on doing to add to Scott's excellent review earlier this week.

If you already have info I can use or have completed some new info please let me know here and we will figure out ways to get it to me. If you want to provide some new info check out the WIKI for the BCD996T and find the link to the UASD software. When complete the entire project data will be uploaded here at RR.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Dec 19, 2002
Central TX
You can pull border crossings and such from "Google Earth" . It shows lat-long for the current cursor position and will also measure distance between two point if you use the tools options. BillS
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