ProScan - SDDS-200 - FTP Write to Scanner?

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CFO (Chief Fix-It Officer)
Dec 17, 2005
Auburn, CA
I cannot write to my SDS-200 from ProScan using FTP over Ethernet. Remote control is working, Webserver and I can read the Favorite lists into ProScan's database. When I write I am getting errors. I have been working with Bob (ProScan Author) and he's been great. We seem to be at a stopping point after testing many updated files from Bob.

I have another thread but the title is not specific enough, so I am creating this new one (Please do not delete, its not duplicative, just more focused).

I am looking to get feedback from people using FTP to write to the radio database or favorite lists. If you cannot or can, please post your radio firmward version and sub-version, also Windows version

My SDS-100 is FW 1.10, Sub 1.02.01
WIndows 10 Build 1909

I have the FTP accounts setup in the radio, it connects fine, just errors on a write. Radio goes into FTP mode then ProScan pops up an error.

Thanks in advance.
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Proscan version is 16.1.
SDS200 Main is 1.10.00
SDS200 Sub is 1.02.01

Windows10 running under Parallels on OSX.


CFO (Chief Fix-It Officer)
Dec 17, 2005
Auburn, CA
Update for those interested. Mike's post above gave me an idea, I have another Windows system and a Mac running bootcamp with WIndows 10 and other VM's. Not sure why I did not try this before. Install ProScan on another system to see if the FTP issue was still present or would it work on on a fresh install.

Turns out, it did not work on other WIndows instances so, I can generally say, it probably not the host system. This leaves the Scanner and Proscan as the common components with the issue. As MIke confirmed his works with Proscan, I started to think about the SDS-200 settings for FTP.

I had the same account name for Read and Write. I had no password on the Read account and a password on the Write account. I added a password to Read, changed passwords, but nothing fixed the FTP Download error.

Then I moved on to the FTP User Accounts for Read and Write. I changed the Read and Write user accounts to something different, I mean different from each other. This FIXED the issue. I don't know if what seems a requirement to have different account names for FTP is documented anywhere and I missed it or if the folk using it always used different user acocunts, I don't know.

If having sdifferent user names for the Read and Write FTP accounts is a requirement, maybe the Radio's software should prevent you creating accounts with the same name.

Again, I have to take my hat off to Bob Aune. His support and effort has been outstanding. I'll not only be buying a license for ProScan, I'll be recommending it to friends and a couple of public service entities.


Software Provider
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Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Glad you found it. Your testing has been very much appreciated. So the bottom line is the scanner read and write accounts User Names have to differ.
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