You could program Sys A, B, C, D & E into 1 system & use multi site trunking on your scanner. For the most part Sys A works good within the city of Phx limits, Sys B is Phoenix Fire & not used much except for Phoenix Fire Dispatch. Each system works outside a small area of each site. The Intellirepeaters are only used when a unit is out of range of a system. Once that unit is back in range the unit goes back to a system. Kinda like roaming on a cell phone it might only be for a minute.
You could program a seperate system for each system. Sys A for PhxPD/GilbertPD/MesaPD while your in Phx - althought Gilbert / Mesa rarely comes across on Sys A. Another for Phx PD & FD/Gilbert PD & FD/Mesa PD & FD on Sys C, same for Sys D as C & Phx PD / FD on E. Then unlock the system you are closest to.
To save space & ease use you could put all the intellirepeaters into 1 system using multi site trunking.