Does anyone know if the PSR-800 firmware for the DSP & CPU can be rolled back to the factory defaults or are you stuck with the version you have when you do the updates? I have been having issues with the Michigan state P25 system. At my house I have been getting garbaled audio for the last month or so. Didn't seem to have this issues when I first got the scanner but now its every day. I have been keeping up with all the updates as they come out... Over the weekend I barrowed another PSR-800 in the same serial number range as mine and it's never had any updates done to it and side by side the loaner works fine. The reason I ask is I would just like to try going back to the original firmware version to see if that is the issue or if it is something else that would require a trip back to GRE service. I am in a high RF area with a cell tower 1 mile to the west and another less than a mile to the south. At work it seems to be fine but at home I have the problem. Both my scanner and the loaner were both programmed with my file and all setting are the same.