I recently purchased one of these radios, originally for the X2-TDMA functionality; however, I have found numerous things about this scanner that are excellent compared to others, though there is also some bad which I will save for another post.
One of the greatest features of this radio is it's ability to use a Micro-SD card for storage. The reason I highlight this as the #1 reason is because of it's seemingly endless space for talkgroups and radio id's. Until now, I could never program more than around 200 radio id's without running out of memory. Over the weekend, I programmed in all of the radio id's for the Burlington County, NJ SmartZone system. Each department has over 100 id's each. This is especially helpful because in this county, they have consolidated channels and sometimes it's difficult to remember who each user is by radio I'd or call sign. (Example: 498xx on the common channel I now see as Evesham Twp.)
In any case, as I expande my programming I am sure I will begin to run out of memory. Does anyone know what the largest Micro-SD card that is supported in this unit is? I see that Radio Shack has a 16gb Micro-SD card on-sale this week for $29. If I can go larger, I may consider it as you can never have too much memory.
Any comments would be appreciated. Also, I have submitted numerous updates to radio reference.com because their database for Burlington County is way out-of-date and is missing almost every essential talkgroup and does not contain the radio I'd format listings that I submitted over a year ago. I have this entire system mapped out, and I have sent countless updates into radioreference.com; yet it never seems to get updated. This iOS what I see as a major problem for these types of scanners.
Thanks all and happy scanning!
Jerry - W2GLD
One of the greatest features of this radio is it's ability to use a Micro-SD card for storage. The reason I highlight this as the #1 reason is because of it's seemingly endless space for talkgroups and radio id's. Until now, I could never program more than around 200 radio id's without running out of memory. Over the weekend, I programmed in all of the radio id's for the Burlington County, NJ SmartZone system. Each department has over 100 id's each. This is especially helpful because in this county, they have consolidated channels and sometimes it's difficult to remember who each user is by radio I'd or call sign. (Example: 498xx on the common channel I now see as Evesham Twp.)
In any case, as I expande my programming I am sure I will begin to run out of memory. Does anyone know what the largest Micro-SD card that is supported in this unit is? I see that Radio Shack has a 16gb Micro-SD card on-sale this week for $29. If I can go larger, I may consider it as you can never have too much memory.
Any comments would be appreciated. Also, I have submitted numerous updates to radio reference.com because their database for Burlington County is way out-of-date and is missing almost every essential talkgroup and does not contain the radio I'd format listings that I submitted over a year ago. I have this entire system mapped out, and I have sent countless updates into radioreference.com; yet it never seems to get updated. This iOS what I see as a major problem for these types of scanners.
Thanks all and happy scanning!
Jerry - W2GLD