Have you considered the $69 Legacy Upgrade so you turn it into a WS1080, with weekly database updates, addition of DMR and EZ Scan software, which is just like the software you are using now but works fine with Win 11? Almost everyone says it's like getting a new scanner.
PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW BEFORE COMPLETING YOUR PURCHASE This upgrade is available for the following scanners ONLY: Pro-18 Pro-668 PSR-800 Units free of operational defects will be upgraded to the authorized Whistler DMR - $69.99 Units operating with unauthorized firmware will be...
Hi thanks for the reply. Yep, I've considered it but there's a few things that make me not want to do it, mainly the fact that I cannot get any of the software to install on my Windows 11 machine - even after going through the series of weird steps that seem like they'd be cleared up if the new owners of the company would just sign their software and put a little TLC into the code. Not trying to be super critical of it, I know it's a difficult thing to handle all of this stuff, but the lack of support for the software makes me not really trust the quality of the product at this time. I will say, though, everyone who has the modded scanner seems to be happy with it, so perhaps I'm just doing something wrong.. I haven't spent a huge amount of time on it quite yet because I'm trying to justify a SDS100 purchase in my head
But.... on the other hand, I've heard the Whistler upgrade can open the PSR-800 up to do almost everything an SDS100 can including P25 II, simulcasting, etc etc.
Also, just in case anyone else is in a similar situation, I eventually tracked down multiple archives of the old GreAmerica files as well as developed a new method of upgrading an OEM PSR-800's database and configuration WITHOUT having to brick it or risk anything, really. It was quite painless after I got to learn the scanner a bit better.