Pursuit in Mono County

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A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
Currently being pursued by CHP, a possible DUI (23152) northbound U.S. 395 at South SR 158 junction at 90+ mph. Just got vehicle stopped and are at gunpoint. Bishop CHP at Code 33. Pursuit initiated by Mammoth PD on eastbound SR 203 at 90+ to northbound U.S. 395. Mammoth PD disengaged from pursuit in favor of CHP. Mono County picked up pursuit after Mammoth PD backed off.

CHP just put out a Code 4, with 10-15 reported. Code 33 lifted.

A Bishop CHP Code 33 restricts traffic for Bridgeport (71), Bishop (72) and Mojave (59) units. This covers all of Mono, Inyo and a portion of Kern County (SR 58 west to Keene and east to San Berdo line, U.S. 395 to San Berdo line and U.S. 395 south to LA county line). Nearly all Code 33's occur in the Mojave Area Office (59).

This is the second pursuit initiated by Mammoth PD this week. They haven't had one leave town in a very long time (10-20 years?). The pursuit initiated at about 1645, June 7th involved a domestic violence call in Shady Rest campground near the east side of town in the Mammoth Ranger Station area. Among other things, the suspect knived one tire and smashed out the windows of a female subject's vehicle. Mammoth PD responded and suspect was exiting, then went eastbound on SR 203 at 95-100 mph. Subject turned south on U.S. 395. One sergeant (44Sam1) and one officer (44Edward7?) in pursuit. Speed reached 100+ past the airport. Pursuit moved to Mono SO dispatch channel. CHP requested to take over, but no officers close by, however some sent to take over the pursuit. Suspect then turned left and continued east on Mono County Benton Crossing Road. Still at 90+ on a 45 mph road that can have cows on roadway, bicycle traffic, trash trucks enroute to the county landfill and recreation visitors some going and coming from numerous hot springs in the area. At the Owens River bridge, suspect turned north on a dirt road with Mammoth PD right behind. Suspect stopped car and foot pursuit initiated. ?Suspects vehicle has South Dakota plates. After 5 minutes suspect caught, cuffed and reservation at the county's "Grey Bar Motel" made. Mammoth PD sergeant reports 10-15 and now transporting back to Mammoth Hospital (Covid testing mandatory for all incoming jail "residents"). Shortly after 44S1 requests assistance, suspect fighting with them. Ankle bracelets requested. About 5 minutes later, ankle bracelets applied, Sam1 reports enroute with suspect still trying to fight. S1 and Edward ? later 10-97 at hospital. After 20 minutes or so, S1 requests a evening shift officer, for a total of 3 officers, to transport still fighting suspect out of the hospital into S1's vehicle. Evening shift S unit and officer came on duty and went to scene of DV call and victim. A couple of hours later, S1 enroute to Bridgeport (County Seat) 55 miles north of Mammoth. Reports a couple of times, suspect still trying to resist, but he is Code 4. I think the hospital should have administered Lorazepam (Ativan) IM. I don't think this is legal under the circumstances, but is on a 5150.

I've lived in Mono County for 39+ years now. I've listened to or heard many pursuits. Only one in all that time got away. Likely because the suspect knew the local primitive roads well and where to find some trees to park under to avoid both the Inyo NF's helo and later the CHP's. Where do these people think they are going to get away? You have one north-south highway (395) and 5 eastbound exits from the Inyo/Mono County region. Law enforcement in the region is very tight and have mutual aid wired. The NPS at Death Valley and the 4 Nevada counties are quite good at picking up any pursuits that might cross into their jurisdictions. Even "gas and go, "dine and dash," shoplifting, malicious mischief and defrauding innkeepers violations get a region wide BOLO and are almost always caught. When anyone gets out on the highways that needs to be stopped, all regional LEO's start looking.

Meanwhile, 3 wildland fires reported in the Crowley Lake, Rock Creek Canyon area, yesterday 6/8. All at 1 acre or less. Helicopter 525 (Inyo's Type 3, Independence) and Helicopter 551 (Yosemite NP's, Crane Flat) working the incidents. Battalion 31 and 21 hiked in last night. Mammoth Wildland Fire Module (8-10 members, Crestview Fire Station) walked in earlier this a.m. and Inyo Hotshots (Bishop Station) being transported in by helo at this time. Two engines (E331 Bishop & E322 Mammoth) staged at Rock Creek Station along with Division 3 and Water Tender 31. This is all on the White Mountain Ranger District. All radio traffic on Inyo Service Net, Glass Mountain Repeater (172.4000 Tone 3 - 131.8). All fires appear to be lightning, not human cause, due to locations. Lightning was sometime in the last 2 weeks and highly localized. We have a region wide "red flag warning" in effect. "Hit em hard and keep them small!" There is opportunity for at least one of these to be allowed to burn when closely monitored on the ground.

Up in the mountains, we have noted that a large number of Post Covid visitors are less compliant with the law and fire/camping restrictions and some are very rude to service business/public contact employees. The PD's, Counties SO's, BLM, USFS, CA Fish and Wildlife and State Park LEO's are trying to deal with it and they report something new and different in some people's behaviors. Two longish pursuits in one week indicates this. Hey, we didn't cause you to be cooped up for over a year, why take it out on us? How about, this happened and we all had to do some things to reduce the impacts? Crap, the U.S. has 4% of the world's population and 20% of Covid cases and deaths, so what we did wasn't enough, get it? Be a nice little boy and girl now.
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A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
Sorry this was delayed past the Code 4/10-15 event.

I provided a lot of details for those who listen to the Mammoth online scanner. The region has a lot of fans who come up here to get out of Dodge and try to relax. Whether it is camping, fishing, sightseeing, skiing or whatever, we get a few million visitors each year. A lot of people know the area quite well and have family/friends who have multi generational histories of visiting the region. The Inyo National Forest usually ranks in the top 5 national forests in recreation use. It has the largest amount of use for a national forest in its developed recreation sites (campgrounds, picnic areas, interpretive sites, visitor centers, scenic viewpoints, etc.) than any of the 155 national forests. In fact, it is twice the amount of that type of use of the #2 national forest. The Mammoth Ranger District gets a little over half of the developed site use. I was the frontcountry recreation supervisor for 10 years, where this use occurs. The most challenging and rewarding job in my career. I get a lot of questions from members via PM's about the area and sometimes the radio systems as well. For those people I provided details. "If it's too long - don't read it and stop complaining!"
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A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
The Mammoth Lakes Police Department press release on Monday's pursuit:

"On 06-07-2021 at 3:35pm, MLPD Officers were dispatched to Shady Rest Park in response to a domestic violence incident. The female victim reported that her ex-boyfriend had pulled a knife on her, slashed her vehicle’s tires, and broke windows on her vehicle. As the first two Officers arrived in the area, dispatch received information from the victim that the suspect was leaving the area in a white van with South Dakota license plates. At the same time, the van drove past the two Officers toward Main Street at a high rate of speed. Both Officers turned around and activated their emergency lights and siren attempting to get the van to stop. A Sergeant was now driving toward the park along Sawmill Cutoff Road, at which time, he activated his emergency lights and blocked the lanes of travel in an attempt to stop the fleeing van. Upon reaching the Sergeant’s location, the van initially slowed and briefly came to a stop. The driver then reversed the van, drove around the police vehicle into the oncoming lane, and proceeded to flee the scene. Based on the severity of the nature of the call involving domestic violence and a weapon, Officers immediately initiated a vehicle pursuit.
The suspect ran the posted stop sign at the intersection of Sawmill Cutoff Road and Main Street causing Main Street traffic to slam on their brakes to avoid a collision. He then proceeded eastbound on Highway 203, reaching speeds up to 95 MPH. He also passed multiple vehicles at the high rate of speed on the right shoulder of the road. Upon reaching the overpass, he entered southbound Highway 395. The suspect continued his erratic driving at speeds in excess of 100 MPH, including passing vehicles on the right shoulder of the road. Upon reaching Benton Crossing Road, the suspect turned left, ran the center median stop sign in front of northbound Highway 395 traffic, and proceeded east. He reached speeds in excess of 95 MPH.
Upon reaching Brown’s Owens River Campground, the suspect turned left onto an unmarked dirt road where he immediately lost control of his vehicle and became stuck in the soft dirt of the right shoulder. The suspect then exited his vehicle and fled on foot through the desert. Officers immediately gave chase and caught the suspect after approximately 100 yards. He was handcuffed and taken into custody at that time.
The suspect was then escorted to a police vehicle and placed in the rear prisoner area with his seat belt on. The suspect was identified as Saylor Austin Reese of South Dakota. A short while later, the Sergeant was tending to Reese by providing him with drinking water and explaining the arrest process to him at the right rear open door. The Sergeant was standing in the door approximately two feet from Reese. As the Sergeant went to apply the seat belt again to prepare for transport, Reese aggressively lunged toward the Sergeant in an attempt to escape custody. The Sergeant in turn wrestled Reese to the ground and was immediately assisted by an on-scene California Highway Patrol Officer. While on the ground, Reese picked up a large rock as a weapon. Officers were able to remove the rock from his hand and restrain him until other Officers arrived on scene. Reese was then transported to Mammoth Hospital for booking clearance. He was later transported to the Mono County Jail for booking. Reese was booked on the following charges: 245 PC- Assault with a deadly weapon, 2800.2 VC- Felony evading, 69 PC- Felony resisting Officers, 594 PC- Felony vandalism, 836.6(a) PC- Attempted escape, 243(e)(1) PC- Misdemeanor domestic violence, 236 PC- False imprisonment, 417 PC- Brandishing a knife, 148(a)(1) PC- Misdemeanor resisting Officers.
An Emergency Protective Order was requested and granted by a judge to protect the victim from further domestic violence. Due to the serious nature of the above crimes, as well as a concern Reese may attempt to locate the victim and/or flee the area, a bail enhancement was requested and subsequently granted by the judge. Reese is currently being held in the Mono County Jail on $500,000.00 bail."


Premium Subscriber
Feb 2, 2020
Shaker Heights, Ohio
The Mammoth Lakes Police Department press release on Monday's pursuit:

"On 06-07-2021 at 3:35pm, MLPD Officers were dispatched to Shady Rest Park in response to a domestic violence incident. The female victim reported that her ex-boyfriend had pulled a knife on her, slashed her vehicle’s tires, and broke windows on her vehicle. As the first two Officers arrived in the area, dispatch received information from the victim that the suspect was leaving the area in a white van with South Dakota license plates. At the same time, the van drove past the two Officers toward Main Street at a high rate of speed. Both Officers turned around and activated their emergency lights and siren attempting to get the van to stop. A Sergeant was now driving toward the park along Sawmill Cutoff Road, at which time, he activated his emergency lights and blocked the lanes of travel in an attempt to stop the fleeing van. Upon reaching the Sergeant’s location, the van initially slowed and briefly came to a stop. The driver then reversed the van, drove around the police vehicle into the oncoming lane, and proceeded to flee the scene. Based on the severity of the nature of the call involving domestic violence and a weapon, Officers immediately initiated a vehicle pursuit.
The suspect ran the posted stop sign at the intersection of Sawmill Cutoff Road and Main Street causing Main Street traffic to slam on their brakes to avoid a collision. He then proceeded eastbound on Highway 203, reaching speeds up to 95 MPH. He also passed multiple vehicles at the high rate of speed on the right shoulder of the road. Upon reaching the overpass, he entered southbound Highway 395. The suspect continued his erratic driving at speeds in excess of 100 MPH, including passing vehicles on the right shoulder of the road. Upon reaching Benton Crossing Road, the suspect turned left, ran the center median stop sign in front of northbound Highway 395 traffic, and proceeded east. He reached speeds in excess of 95 MPH.
Upon reaching Brown’s Owens River Campground, the suspect turned left onto an unmarked dirt road where he immediately lost control of his vehicle and became stuck in the soft dirt of the right shoulder. The suspect then exited his vehicle and fled on foot through the desert. Officers immediately gave chase and caught the suspect after approximately 100 yards. He was handcuffed and taken into custody at that time.
The suspect was then escorted to a police vehicle and placed in the rear prisoner area with his seat belt on. The suspect was identified as Saylor Austin Reese of South Dakota. A short while later, the Sergeant was tending to Reese by providing him with drinking water and explaining the arrest process to him at the right rear open door. The Sergeant was standing in the door approximately two feet from Reese. As the Sergeant went to apply the seat belt again to prepare for transport, Reese aggressively lunged toward the Sergeant in an attempt to escape custody. The Sergeant in turn wrestled Reese to the ground and was immediately assisted by an on-scene California Highway Patrol Officer. While on the ground, Reese picked up a large rock as a weapon. Officers were able to remove the rock from his hand and restrain him until other Officers arrived on scene. Reese was then transported to Mammoth Hospital for booking clearance. He was later transported to the Mono County Jail for booking. Reese was booked on the following charges: 245 PC- Assault with a deadly weapon, 2800.2 VC- Felony evading, 69 PC- Felony resisting Officers, 594 PC- Felony vandalism, 836.6(a) PC- Attempted escape, 243(e)(1) PC- Misdemeanor domestic violence, 236 PC- False imprisonment, 417 PC- Brandishing a knife, 148(a)(1) PC- Misdemeanor resisting Officers.
An Emergency Protective Order was requested and granted by a judge to protect the victim from further domestic violence. Due to the serious nature of the above crimes, as well as a concern Reese may attempt to locate the victim and/or flee the area, a bail enhancement was requested and subsequently granted by the judge. Reese is currently being held in the Mono County Jail on $500,000.00 bail."

Sadly, that EPO isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on in Mr. Reese case as he’ll treat it as nothing more than a piece of sewing thread! Hopefully, nobody in their own right mind will come up with the 10% needed to spring him so he can continue on with his insane adventures.


A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
Sadly, that EPO isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on in Mr. Reese case as he’ll treat it as nothing more than a piece of sewing thread! Hopefully, nobody in their own right mind will come up with the 10% needed to spring him so he can continue on with his insane adventures.

Sadly, EPO's are so often violated by those who are violent. They are complied with by many who are less likely to be violent once served.

Reese demonstrated some violence from beginning to end. I've driven the dirt road he go stuck on and can't figure out why. I was out on it about a month ago in my all wheel drive 1992 Subaru wagon, that has very little ground clearance and I had zero problems, even off the road in the large dirt parking areas next to the river. Unknown to him is the road ends several miles north of where he turned and its a "no outlet" situation. As soon as he turned there, as I was listening, I knew they had this guy. I've been on some fires in the area and a foot bail would be fruitless also. The terrain funnels you into just a couple of routes.


A Member Twice
Premium Subscriber
Aug 18, 2020
Right Side of CA on maps
I missed most of the pursuit in Inyo County last night. Yes, the eastern Sierra has had 4 pursuit this week alone. Monday and Wednesday in Mono County and Tuesday and Thursday down in Inyo County. I missed most of it as I turned off the scanner speaker in our living room shortly after it was initiated. I was watching the 2 hour season finale of "Manifest." I love science fiction TV series, especially the goods ones on the 3 major networks. I knew I could shut it off and stream the episode the next day on Hulu, but I was so into it that I skipped listening to one of those rare pursuits we get here.

The initial report was a vehicle traveling in excess of 130 mph northbound on U.S. 395 near the Pleasant Valley Reservoir road junction. The pursuit continued up the Sherwin Grade for a few miles. The suspect then took one of the crossovers and took off downhill on 395. He turned southbound on Barlow Lane, then turned eastbound on SR 168 (West Line Street in Bishop). This is when I turned it off. I could have gotten on here and posted a Broadcastify scanner for everyone to listen to, but as I explained . . . . My wife listened on, but I didn't tell her to enable the Inyo County bank of our main scanner. She told me at one commercial that the suspect was being boxed in on the Bishop Paiute Reservation so that he could zoom around the streets but not get out. It would take about 12 patrol rigs to do this and they had a Bishop PD, Inyo County SO, Mono County SO and CHP response to the pursuit. The suspect is still at large after crashing his vehicle.

Here is the Inyo Sheriff's Office press release:

BISHOP, CA, June 11, 2021 – On June 10 at approximately 7:50pm Inyo County Sheriff’s Deputies attempted to conduct a traffic stop in the Bishop area on Steven Ariaz, a 37 year old Bishop man who has an active and confirmed no bail felony arrest warrant.
After Ariaz pulled over and the Deputy exited the patrol vehicle, Ariaz accelerated and a vehicle pursuit was initiated. The vehicle traveled in speeds in excess of 130 MPH throughout the Bishop area and 395 north of Bishop.
During the pursuit, Ariaz collided into one of the Sheriff’s patrol vehicles which disabled it. Ariaz continued to flee in his vehicle until he crashed and then fled on foot. It was later determined that Ariaz’s vehicle had four occupants, one of which was an unsecured infant on the lap of a passenger.
Steven Ariaz is still outstanding for the active and confirmed felony arrest warrant. Ariaz is considered to be armed and dangerous. If seen please call 911, do not attempt to contact him.
If you or anyone you know has any information about this incident or the whereabouts of Steven Ariaz, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 760-878-0383 option 4.

Doing this with a baby in a passengers lap is really quite the decision. Maybe someday he will straighten out his life . . . . maybe not.

I spoken about this before, but 4 pursuits in 4 days??? The 5th day isn't over yet!! Having 4 pursuits sounds about the average of more than a decade in this region. Have the Russians put something in the water?
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